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The project was full funded within 48 hours, with all the stretch goals reached!

To thank the backers for the immense support, the maiden forms of the first two monthly horoscopes have been revealed and every backer will receive sticker versions of these two designs as a bonus.

The campaign has also been updated with additional stretch goals.

✦ The design inspiration ✦

As some may know, I'm a bit of a "everything should have a story and meaning" type of artist, even if no one knows the full backstory, I like to give them to my creations.

And I've been pleasantly surprised with just how many people take interest in it!

So for those who would like to know more, here is the lore.

Aries; Ram, Honeysuckle Flower

Resilient and headstrong of a creature. 
The honeysuckle flower, one of the first flowers to bloom in the still cool air of spring, representing their strength and new meaning of rebirth. A flower standing strong and confident.

Character: Nana is an original character close to my heart, my first original character as well. I've poured in a lot of myself into her character and she carries a story that goes deep into areas where many have been able to relate to her. Despite all her struggles and darkest moments, she never loses her fiery nature.

Taurus; Bull, White Lily Flower

The bull, strong, reliable and full of tenacity. 
The white lily has it's duality in meaning. Solemn when presented at mourning, and congratulatory at a celebration of change and commitment. A flower to represent the soul.

Character: Zenith is another original character that I have grown attached to. Her background is rough, so you can guess what meaning of the white lily she represents. Many times she's lost meaning and hope and yet she still proves to be strong despite it all.

I'm looking forward to see how this project continues, and with more support, the more I want to create and give (*ˊᗜˋ*)/




Damn! I was completely wrong!! Looking back I should’ve known Nana was an Aries, however Taurus Zenith? What a surprise! Would love to learn more about her character as a fellow Taurus; Since to me it seems the only thing we have in common is how stubborn we both are xD