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  • Painted the Planting outfit on Alys's alt sprite, so now it just needs to be rendered
  • Sketched the Meet Kyt CG
  • Sketched the Mirror Panel CG
  • Sketched the Kana Burger Panel CG
  • Sketched one of the Lore CGs

One last, less concrete update is that Isa's room is underway and I've received the rough for it from Omorphia. Besides that, most of this week has been spent writing, editing and then most recently, decompressing in preparation for commissions, which I'll be opening on Friday so that I can continue to fund SweetCanvas without ever cutting things too close.

Thank you for all your support for SweetCanvas and my art in general, as always. There'll be a lot of more general art coming in soon as I begin working on comms, and that means that there'll be less SweetCanvas stuff in general for a little while, since that's just how that works when I'm the only one making art for it, but I'll do my best to squeeze things in if I can.



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