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Realized I should do a Halloween specific pinup for her, so this one will be pushed to the first one to be done of the 7 images in total.

Hope ya look forward to the finished version!




Wow, damn, holly molly, thats one way to regain your spirit after 12 hours work shift! Thank you!!! You betcha we are waiting for it to be finished! After seeing this one now im not sure which one of these gonna be the PC wallpaper you mentioned, The first one was my top guess, but now im not sure anymore :) Waiting fills you with DETERMINATION!


The wallpaper is gonna be a bit of a collage of the poses from this and the previous pinup wips, and from one last one that will be posted once i finish sketching it and the pages ahead of it


Even better than I imagined! Now its ULTRA DETERMINATION after reading this!