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Hey there, amazing Patrons! 🌟

Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping update from world of Battle Maidens! 🤩 In the most epic clash, the mean Karen, aka the "First Lady," squared off against the unstoppable force that is Grace "Pumpkin Pie". And oh boy, did sparks fly! 💥 But in the end, Grace emerged victorious, showcasing her jaw-dropping skills and claiming a well-deserved win! 🏆

Now, hold onto your seats, because we're about to dive into a matter of utmost importance: the punishment! 😈 You all know that the NOISE VIPs, on the story are the ones who have been backing our sexy fighters,and have the honor of deciding what fate awaits the defeated. However, here's where it gets juicy! I believe in giving power to the people—the power to YOU, our loyal Patrons! 🙌

That's right,  it's time for YOU to shape Karen´s destiny after her epic defeat!  We're unleashing the next mind-blowing poll, where you get to cast your votes and decide the kind of punishment that will make her feel the burn of shame! 🔥🙈 

Unleash your vote for the punishment that will send shivers down Karen's spine and make her question her every move! 😱 Your opinions matter!

But wait, there's more! 🎁 As a token of our immense gratitude for your unwavering support, I will be granting you exclusive access to the behind-the-scenes content of these punishments. Witness Karen reaction to the poll results and brace yourselves for the unveiling of the shame-filled punishment she'll have to endure! It's an experience you don't want to miss! 😮✨

Thank you for being part of our extraordinary Patreon community, where your voice matters most. Get ready to unleash your votes, and let the anticipation build as we prepare to unveil the stunning punishment for our beloved Battle Maiden! 💪🔥

If you have ideas for the punishment leave them on the comments BUT BE CAREFUL WITH THE LANGUAGE! P4treon is really strict! and I prefer to not use any "N$FW" word without care.


Alvin Franco

I think it’d be really fitting for a KAREN to be humiliated on camera. 😜

TF Commando

The photoshoot and dance might be things that all the girls have to do between rounds. They didn't choose to wear their fighting costumes, after all...


Y’know this makes me wonder how will the story of this game end, kinda off topic but it’ll be interesting to see after all this fighting if they’ll eventually fight the higher ups and escape, just a thought though.

Joseph Czarniak

Join the extra idea bandwagon ladies and gentlemen! This particular bandwagon involves a tentacled high roller vip. Cause tentacles.


I see this as an absolute win

TF Commando

The arena and setup are so big and elaborate it's hard to think of this as the first go-round. Were there previous women in this situation? Or was it just a "normal" underground fight club before they sexed it up?


Very grindhouse idea! In my opinion, I don't see that happening. After all, these women are battling to essentially get a wish granted. I know it's more to it than that but I know Karen's in it for revenge, Maria's in it to rescue her sister, Grace is in it to better her family's finances (if I remember correctly).... so I don't know if it's something they would 'escape' from. From what I think has been put out, all the brawlers are willing participants for whatever reasons they have.


True, it’s just you see these characters either angry or sad it’s like you kinda want them to all get some sort of closure and a better outcome but that’s just me lol I like good outcomes more than bad ones XD


Going to follow up this extra idea with another! Sloppy bl0wb4ang with w4tersp0rts. It gets better when she gets wetter.


TF, from what I got copied, this was not the first go-round. CB stated that, in Grace's account, she was told about the tournament by mafia members. Karen overheard it from elites at a country club. I feel that by the time we find the game happening with this roster, it's been around for quite some time. Jason, I get it. This has a very Twisted Metal vibe in a way. Various ladies trying to obtain a 'wish'. Not all of them can win but that's why they have motivation to come back next year! LOL


I just can’t wait to play this game, it’s interesting to say the least, it seems like just a game with the horniness ramped up to 100 but the deeper you look into it, it gets more intriguing and a little sad if you think about it but that’s what’s so fascinating about this project, perhaps I’m just looking too deep into it though but that’s my thoughts on it so far :)


Completely agree! It's going to be a blast! Also, if CB didn't want it to be deep, he wouldn't have put so much thought into it. Each fighter has a story (I believe) so it's not just a fapfest (or is it?!) Maybe... it's whatever you want it to be?! LOL.


I can imagine they’re will be extras like a vs mode which that’ll be pretty much be a fapfest but the story looks to have a lot of thought put into it yes, the only golden question for me remains is.. Will it run on my computer XD


It doesn’t look like a game to take up too much space but if push comes to shove low quality settings, it’s possible, once I managed to configure Arkham asylum to get full 60fps in 1080p, now this came at the cost of making the game look unfinished but it is what it is 🙃


Ok all this discussion is making me really want to make a discord XD, let's see what can I say without giving too much spoilers. 1. The Tournament has been going for some time, for Maria and Grace (and other girls) it's their first time, but Hilde has won it 2 times and Amelia (the little one) has participated before. 2. for us, the tournament is the most important thing, but in the game universe, the tournament is just a way to keep the VIPS entertained the 2 weeks they are in the island making business (think of it like an event inside a "criminalCon" convention. 3. Maria is there to save her Family who has been kidnapp3d by a cartel guy from her past, and Grace is there to find info about her missing husband, who dissapeared and the last clue he left her was an address (a warehouse were Noise selected participants for the tournament) 4. I'm a guy who loves dark h3ntai but also who loves good endings, soooo I want you guys to not be sure what will be the end of the story mode XD. 5. Most of the activities here are non-canon, the game will also have non canon endings so you can see what happens when each girl wins


Those vips need their perk


That sounds like a plan I’d join that discord right away lol, looking forward to the release as always, you certainly got a really good idea on this project :)


I think pumpkin pie should take her prize with a strap on. Teach Karen a lesson on manners.


Lol just linked up my discord with Patreon earlier today

Martin S

Karen deserves to be humiliated


A gangbang doesn't feel humiliating enough for someone with such a big mouth. Gotta be either a photoshoot or some dancing. Although I am curious what kind of BD$M and how it will be presented? An interesting option but it's gotta be real humiliating


Not to mention we've *already* seen a gangbang with Karen.


I was thinking the same thing but maybe this one will be more... intense?


public spanking / tickling in front of the whole arena? might even manage to fit that in the gangbang concept