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I'm happy with the last version of the Princess Quest girls models so I decided to give you guys a little fan-service (a little more than that) of our favorite Guild warriors.
I will try to include some videos at the end of the month too.!
for the time being enjoy this little preview of what i'm cooking!

BTW as you guys may have noticed Twitter suspended my account @crisisbeat83 :( but I'm fighting to get it back, and send some documents to show that I didnt break any rule, Twitter is keeping me in  a waiting line but if some of you have the time and want to help, you can write them HERE  asking to un-suspend @crisisbeat83 account and mentioning that my case number is # 0204369420 , and maybe I won't have to start again from scratch there where I made some incredible friends and got some awesome artists to follow me back.




Ooh Jazz and Winter ♡


Looking good so far, some group shots would also be cool too. Also, since you're having those issues with Twitter, maybe it is time right now for the Discord server idea you had? So that way, you can keep in contact with people.


I still hope for a Mac version of PQ!


Hope you get your Twitter back and also, love the imprisoned Dawn. X3

TF Commando

Looking good! The first thumbnail has some names that you might want to change though!


Sorry for that! Have you tried playing the browser version that I uploaded on newgrounds?

Wade E.

Woah, is Jazz... Uh, "GOING for distance" there? (IF you get what I mean....)


*ahem* winter, marina and dawn are misnamed on the third thumbnail (3/4), you might wanna change that up. great work.




Hi sorry if this question annoys or offends but will there be anything for battle maidens? Also I really like the work and how realistic they look , makes me wonder how the originals would look like using 3d.


yo, Dawn's scene is just my thing, hope Jazz would get a similar treatment!


Done my part on Twitter. I hope that you get your account back. I dunno, maybe try Facebook?

TF Commando

I'm curious if Dawn would keep the last link of the chains in her nipples as a piercing, or perhaps they can't manage to take them off so she's stuck with them!