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Newman here with a 69 SPECIAL! All illustrations are 69's ;)

I hope you like it. Here's the link:


I've been a tad sick, but I'm better now. I am equally excited and freaking out about the rapidly advancing AI (same as anyone, I suppose), so I've been learning about it. Reading, watching interviews, and doing some Stable Difussion NSFW stuff. Also telling ChatGPT to write me a damn Tinder profile that doesn't suck (unsuccessfully).

I did also try some coding with GPT's help, on the Die Hard platformer game, with mixed results. I have to learn more GDscript so I can learn to ask the right questions, but I see the potential.

Brave new world, people. Let's do our best :)

Delux-O in a bit. See you on Discord, people!

