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Hey there, fellow pervs and pervettes!

Newman here, with another Goodie Pack and some good news. First, the link:


And now the news. I am getting my shit together. I have been experimenting with a lot of organization systems over the years, but as some of you on Discord know, I think I have found one that actually works for me! :)

I am using two physical notebboks, one I am making myself for life stuff (paperwork, stuff to buy, stuff to fix around the house, family things...) and another, a Moleskine Project Planner for Ben X ONLY. This is added to what I already used, Trello for "To Do- Doing - Done" cards, Google Drive for storage, and Google Docs for Game Design and Writing. I have also started using Milanote for my Scene planning (It is drag and drop, so it is more intuitive and agile than a straightforward doc).

I'm not sure if this means anything to you, but it is working VERY WELL so far. Separating life stuff planning and Ben X planning alone is already making me feel much less bogged down by stuff, less anxious... it's hard to explain, but I'm very happy with how much work I'm getting done! :)

I have shared some images on Discord, and you guys seem to like seeing how I work, so I'll take a few pics of my planners and share it with you here, on a Progress Report next.

That's all for this post. Have fun, and as always, THANK YOU. So much.





Goodie packs are just images, completely separate from the game

Jesus David Hoyos Vega

I am Peruvian and I just bought the membership and played the game, I really liked the details and I hope to see how the plot continues.