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Hey there, everyone! Robotic overlord Newman here with another pack of filthy amoral smut. Just the way we like it.

Here's the link:


I did promise a Progress Report, but Someone in my family had an operation and "freelance guy" volunteered himself for nights at the hospital. I think I slept about 15 minutes yesterday. Jolly good fun. I'll try to write something after I send the Delux-O pack.

I also have to move from my flat, so, you know. Stuff.

I have an update on Akanoe's tool (snicker, snicker). I can now add more stuff to the game myself without bothering him. There was a puzzling problem in which the game just quits on me every time I make a modification, with an even more puzzling solution. Now it works, and it is pretty awesome. More on that on the Progress Report.

Have fun, be safe, talk soon.





Thanks for the nice goodies


Just noticed, says January on the image. Oops! XD