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Arrrghhh!! So late!!

Life has been so busy lately, the tutorial slipped my mind completely. Here's the link:


In it, I explain the basic concept of composition. I will probably do more composition tutorials, as it is key on illustration, comic, and yes, video games as well.

I will keep adding stuff to the Delux-O folder for the rest of the month, as always, I'll keep you posted on these on Discord. And again, can't apologize enough for the delay, I was so focused on writing more Ben X, Tokito had to remind me to do this (thanks, bud!) XD

More news soon, maybe with a public build, even? Let's see.





Thank's for a new Deluxo Pack. I'm probably not going to do any of the stuff in the tutorial. But might be watching it still. Transforming Woody seems like an interesting concept😂 Someone making these pirate toys shure has imagination.