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Hey, you guys!

So, turns out sending you the Delux-O via personal message creates errors, so I'll be adding the link to tier-exclusive posts like this one from now on. I liked PM, since it allowed me to check info on you guys more personally, and even write different messages to some of you, but I guess this way is simpler for both me and you guys.

Here's the link:


I haven't added anything aside from the new tutorial to this month's Delux-O yet, but I will think about it and add something cool tomorrow. A sneak-peek is a must, but I was thinking -if you guys are interested- about talking a bit more in detail about some of the processes of videogame creation, NSFW or otherwise. That way you not only get first-hand info on how I make my games, but also it may be a source of inspiration to those of you who want to make games, but perhaps don't know where to start from. Is that something that'd be interesting for you? If so, let me know. Cos I'm kinda running out of ideas here, people. Help me out here, will ya?

:D Talk soon!




Karl Rigby

Shame. ah well, what programs do you use to make your games?


For game design, planning and script, Google Docs. For art, Clip Art Studio and Photoshop. As an engine, Akanoes uses Ren'py, and I'm sure he uses a code tracker like Bitbucket as well, but I'm not sure which.


BenX has been a lot of time in developement. I assume some ideas came and went overtime. Maybe you could give form to some of those discarted ideas for the Delux-o? Or stuff you simply wouldn't put in the game? If not, there is always halloween cosplay art.