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Non-fall action! Hey guys, fiendishly neighbor Newman here with a new post.

Yes, it's true. After fixing some stuff and re-exporting some PNGS, that's me done with all my work for 0.04. I took a weekend off (ok, Monday as well. I'm learning to ride motorbikes so I did that. It's awesome) and I was back to it.

That means I'm already writing for 0.05, Chapter 6: Crime Never Pays. I know most people don't pay attention to chapter titles but I use them to organize the story a bit better, and I actually have fun writing "clever-ish" names for them. I'm really looking forward to where the characters will take me. I do have a plan, and the story is there, but while writing their dialog, I keep finding interesting ideas to follow, which sometimes lead to new items, other times change a sex scene slightly, and sometimes even change the scene order I had planned, making me newly excited about what's going to happen.

Any writer will tell you, planning a story too strictly, writing each day when you know what's going to happen is the most boring shit ever, and this hate for your job filters into your text, making it bland and uninteresting.

I do make dozens of lists and plan a lot. I like that the events, plot twists and relationships between characters are telling the story I want to tell, but I also really enjoy it when characters escape my control. I'll try to explain it a bit better. Sometimes I'm writing a scene, I know the characters by now so I just write what they would say in that situation, right? and then suddenly I go: "of course he'd say that! And then this would happen! So I have to change this... XD And now this joke... Man, this is so much better that what I thought I was going to write" and I keep going in that unknown direction, which fits the story much better, feels more real, and more interesting too.

Writing with good characters is fun. 

Next post, new build! Talk soon, guys,





That pic ^_^


Tis the magic of the internet. Whenever you feel down, crappy imitations are always there to make you smile XD


When you said next post new build you are taking about 0.04 right?


Talking not taking


When is the nex post coming then? :3 ^^

Jose Lopez

Is there an upcoming date?


When will 0.4 be release to the public :))