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Hey there cowpokes! Arthur Morg... er, I mean Newman here!

Weather's been crazy for Barcelona, and somehow, despite of my resistance to cold temperatures when hiking (those 4 days alone in a bears-and-wolves-filled natural park in Canada in November come to mind) I got sick just by being on the rain a bit.

After a failed attempt at writing, I gave up and just played read Dead Redemption 2 all weekend. Now, I was feverish, yeah. But that doesn't justify the acts of sheer madness I committed. I hope the people of Valentine can forgive me... those few that are left.

Today is Monday though, and that means back to work. As you can see on the image above, a lot of the writing's done (just one scene left), music and SFX are half-way (although it shouldn't take too long), coding too (a lot was done regarding systems and organization), art being the least touched part yet (can't do art without a script first)

We're back to full speed here, so we're trying for a new test build by the end of this month, and if nothing goes TOO wrong, hopefully even a polished public build with the next Goodie Pack.

And on a personal note. These weeks you've proven to me you're just the kind of patrons I had hoped to have when Ben X started. You care about Ben X and Scooby living up to their full potential nearly as much as I do, and to me, no matter how much you can afford pledging, that's what really matters.

Newman out.



Aza Singhh

Android Apk for V0.02

j look

Android soon ??


Akanoes is looking into it, but as he tells it, it's not looking too good. It seems he has to reboot everything before he can test it, and it's costing him a lot of time. If any of you knows what the issue is and how to solve it, please tell us on discord.