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Hey guys, Newman here.

I'm already working on 0.03, and Akanoes is making sure 0.02's systems are working properly. We have added a LOT of little details (UI SFX, different states for buttons, combat tweaks, more info on the STATS screen... those kind of improvements) that aren't really that noticeable, but that nonetheless make the game much more polished and awesome.

As I said, Akanoes is reworking some systems, and that takes time, but we better do it now than realize we don't have the "space" for complex mechanics that'd make the game much more interesting later on. It's kind of annoying not to have any image to show for that, but when we compare what we have in 0.02 to 0.01, the difference is staggering.

Thank you for your patience, gang. Thanks for believing in us.





Just a question: is there a glitch with XLR8 or something? He doesn't do a thing in combat I think, unless there is something I'm not seing or is getting added later...


He normally interrupts charge attacks for big and medium enemies. He doesn't do anything to regular enemies for now, but as soon as we introduce the time bar, he'll also push them back in the timeline, so they'll attack later.


Hi, do you plan to release a Mac version too?