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Avast ye landluvers! It's captain Newman here with more tales of depravity and sin.

As many of you know by now, Undertown is one of the main locations in the game. I haven't talked about it that much, so I thouhgt I'd give you a taste.

In the series, Undertown is a safe haven for alien life forms, deep underground the surface of Bellwood City.

Undertown is hard. Hard for its alien inhabitants and merchants, trying to make a living by smuggling, stealing or cheating goods and slaves off each other. Hard for its criminal gangs, blasting one another by day, heavy-drinking together at night on the Six-legged Slut Bar and Strip club at night...

And hard for Plumber patrolmen, dirty or otherwise, watching a world they hardly understand from the shadows, hoping for retirement and a bit of street love from a "lady of negociable affection"

It's a hard world. But there's a new Redspot in town. 

Talk soon gang,





Seriously, when will you release a new version? It's been what? 1 or 2 years now? For the Public I mean.

celty gezzel smith

i agree its been far too long we see all the work your putting into it and it looks AMAZING its great that you keep us updated but we want to play

Ronaldo garaway

Why don't you add Lucy Mann English EDIT SHARE


Hey man, well, I'm not daying it isn't happening some time in the future, but for now, we need to focus on the main girls! We have an Alpha to fix and release!

Ronaldo garaway

Do you have the link for Android send me it please

Ronaldo garaway

How much longer until the full game is out


The main story is already planned, but honestly, who knows? If we can raise enough so we can work exclusively on NSFW games, I could give you an estimate, but for now: It'll be done when it's done.


We have taken the apk for the demo link down because it was a bit shit :D We'll be making Android versions of all our alphas though, so don't worry, we'll have you covered.