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Hey there gang! Newman here with news about BenX,

As some of you know, I moved to the US recently (for a while, then I'm back to Barcelona) I haven't been able to work on the games for a bit (lack of a working computer, wacom tablet, chair and table will do that)

I'm back in the frey now, so expect some more posts soon.

K-dot has been fighting bugs both digital and viral (no, I don't mean the nyan cat) as he's been coding and fighting Ren'py grey screens while his body was in full flu mode. It seems he's recovering with the help of some powerful antibiotics.

So, temporal setbacks, but we're back on the job. Talk soon guys and gals,

Your friendly neighbour Newman.




Hey Newman! Any approximately date of next release?


hi newman, really really important info for you and k-dot, antibiotics aren't for virus, like flu is, who care? the whole world! the more we use them the more chance there that an imune agent will rise and if one do depending on it we can all fucking die, for real! please use antibiotics only for what there for! (wich at least isn't virus, please look it up and spread the word a bit.) ps: hope k-dot will get well soon and good luck with the game as a whole, i can't wait for it!


I can't tell one thing from the other, so maybe I misheard, but they did prescribe antibiotics to Kdot. Maybe not a flu then?


No way to know for sure yet, but I'm as anxious for a release date as you guys!

Brandon Wolford

hey newman are you guys halfway done with the game and a question like many of the akabur games and such will pregnancies be added into this game or not?