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All right, everybody? Cool. Now that that's established... It's Newman here, with a new background!

Well, this one took a while to get right. As with other backgrounds I have showed you, this is not exactly how you'll first encounter the room. Some areas in the game will change overtime. Shar's room will go from a bare room full of cardboard boxes to a... well, let's just say revonnahganders love their Amber Ogia plants :)

A bit about the girls' rooms. In them, you can chat with each girl, give them gifts, help them train so they get faster and stronger in combat; and of course, if they like you enough, you can fuck eachother's brains out! XD

I have a LOT of training and sex scenes planned, too many (not even considering the ones that are part of the main storyline), so we'll probably have to cut some of them in the end. Still, those of you who are getting the Goodie Packs will still be able to see them in sketches. And since we are on the subject of Goodie Packs, this month's is ready! I'll send you the link and password next week.

Talk soon guys and gals. Thanks for being there and making the game grow,




Noooo don't cut the training scenes, I love those!


How do you know what they are? Who's been talking? Do you have cameras on my room? Aaaargh!