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WHOO BOY did this one get elaborate: sorry everyone. believe it or not this short was relatively scaled down - the initial plan was to have some more establishing shots with damsons' RV. this got subtracted down to more of a single frame image with just a window for damsons' POV, to then back up to a proper two-shot scene once opalu came on board properly. originally, maple was just tepidly breathing but i decided to play up her frustration and have her visibly try and get out of her bonds.

to create the packing peanuts effect without going crazy drawing every individual one, i created a brush type in clip studio paint that ended up being really effective and pretty much exactly what i was aiming for, which was really useful in particular for animating with them. sfx like the coffee sipping and the timer countdown were homegrown, whilst elsewise the following other sounds were used to complete the soundscape:







so long story short is things started pretty elaborate, got scaled down, and then somehow ended getting scaled back up again haha. was a lot of fun putting this together though :D and if you were wondering where the girls are: they're so back.

merry christmas and happy holidays!



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