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hey all, having a liiittle tablet snag at the moment. its nothing major but i might need to get a part or two delivered,  so i figured i might as well get up the one monthly thing that (mostly) only requires pen and paper a little early for you all. that being this months poll of course.

i actually had this poll idea last month specifically, but ended up sussing out that scooby-doo made a lot more sense for october-posting. i had no idea it was kill la kill's 10 year anniversary this month specifically, so it ended up working out in the end.

i believe i ran a poll for the show a good year+ back, and while i usually like to exempt characters ive already worked with, i figured enough time has passed to have satsuki again alongside ragyō and nonon. all im saying is i never actually drew her in her junketsu outfit, and ive also never drawn nonon in her nudist beach outfit, and ive also never drawn ragyō period. the choice is yours...



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