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The last chance the Straw Hats have is the Coup de Burst! Pedro has made the ultimate sacrifice to give them this one chance to escape, but Big Mom's naval forces are closing in and poised to knock them out! Luffy has to put himself on the line again to save his crew!




he took him there and cut out the only way back to the ship because there was no guarentee he could've knocked him out in the first place. The opportunity was too good to not take it, so he jumped at it and destroyed the path back to the ship to protect the rest.


Guys, you took care of the raging emperor and her fleet, I'll fight her son, good luck✌️😂

Mel Jaimes

The amount that chat spoils is crazy..I know I would of liked to find out for myself how strong Katakuri is , and not have people day he's stronger then Doffy...you might as well tell him what's going on in Wano