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Luffy starts to run out of steam as the Biscuit Warriors keep multiplying! If he can buy himself 10 minutes to recharge... Meanwhile, Sanji squares off against his family, but realizes they have some vital insurance to make sure he follows their scheme to marry Pudding.



Jarvis Fowlkes

Don't underestimate a Yonko Crew bro this is different then typical bad guys

Walter white

Revisiting sanjis flash back, i cant even fathom what details went into each of the strawhats and their depth. For sanji, judge who is his father doesn’t if sanji lives or dies and then there is zeff who saved sanji, and make him the man he is today cause they simply share a same dream. And thats for every sh, they have their own unique story of what made them who they are today. Gotta love the story… #GODA.