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Hello Patrons! Thank you for another week of your support!

As the week before, I will be working on sketches every day marked on orange. These sketches are decided based on your suggestions!  You can suggest art via this form!  

Mid-week, I will polish the most liked/commented on sketches here! If you want me to polish a chubby picture, please let me know by leaving a like or a comment on them!

Finally, on the 15th I will be sending old packs to the $10 and $15 tiers. If you haven't done so yet, be sure to use the same form as above (this form) to let me know which packs you want me to send you!

Finally, if you like my work, please recommend me to your cool adult friends that like chubby art!

Cheers, and see you on yet another week full of chubby goodness!



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