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The apollo justice game is all about Apollo finding himself in the trash bin and hating the fact that he's having funTrashy boss, trashy prosecutor, trashy office- and he's like

>:( I don't like it. Weh.

But like every insight to him is like "he's loving it and he hates that."

Followed by:

Apollo dealing with moments like

 "Hey Apollo you wanna fuck" 

"I'm angry at the fact that I wouldn't say no. Frankly I'm fucking pissed about it" 

"gr8 buy me some burger king and I'll let you sit on my dicc"

And by the time he's on the D it's like

Phoenix, muffled voice "Mmmph they went all out with the sauce today" 

Apollo - ((Self loathing and boner intensifies))

With color, chubbier version on the $10 tier and an even fatter Phoenix on the $15 tier!



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