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As I announced earlier this month, the $20 tier is being brought down to the $15 tier-- and a lot of the perks got a bit cheaper, too! 

 $1 tier patrons will, will get one picture - a sketch picked out of suggestions (I will open a poll for these each month.) 

Rolling back to a previous state in my Patron, the ability to send suggestions is now back on the $5 tier. 

The request* reward-- but, if you signed up for a request, I will still do it provided you're on the $15 tier when your turn rolls up! I just won't accept new requests.

If you're on the $20 tier, you can choose to stay there and get two old packs instead of one at the end of the month! Thank you so much for your support and generosity! Let me know if that's the case.

If anyone has any questions, please let me know! I'm happy to work things out!


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