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So this month was hectic for everyone. Two of us had real life emergencies, but none of us took days off, as we felt it was too important to get this thing out. We sacrificed bug fixing time to do so, so please, if you guys encounter anything? As always, report it.

The big focus for this month was two fold. One, we've begun implementing the 'finalized' opening dialogue. Minor tweaks and such might still be incoming, but over all we're settling on character designs and getting folks written out. We've removed the hideous combat system we implemented in a hasty, caffenine fueled rush at A-Kon last August. The new one no longer crashes, and has the proper systems and equations implemented, to which we are super happy. Speed and turn order will be getting an overhaul as well. In addition to this, we now have Demon implemented.

To get to the combat, head to the barracks and head on in. Talk to Brontide, the dragon captain, and then head on down to the basement. You'll be able to do the fight down there.

Next month we'll be implementing a lot of quality of life stuff. Click-to-move and UI for what things are and are not interactible. The Party Stats menu interface. After that, we'll be implementing breeding and the Guild itself as an interface, as well as Essence Harvesting, finally booting up the last part of our ingame economy (excepting crafting of course). With those last changes made, we will be out of Alpha v1, and move onto Alpha v2. 

Thank you so much for your support guys, and we cannot wait to finally be hitting this massive milestone where the base skeletal systems of the game are lain out and ready to go.




I tried the fight scene and a little over halfway through the fight my game locked up. I'll try it again just to make sure. edit: never mind, I tried again and it didn't lock up this time.

Peter Vargas

The game crashed when i start it. It says to sent the crash report. But where?


i keep getting crashed when i try to load it up. any idea around it? also i have the crash logs to send. let me know wheres the best spot

ryu lee

Crashed. -_- When I start the game, it just crashed and showed that I need to report the developer.


It froze for me when i tried to get to the farm . I walked over the bridge and it was just a black screen and it wouldn't load and then it froze.




Damn we thought that one had been nailed. Can you describe exactly what lead up to it? We got it only once then thought it was fixed and never got it again.


What happened when it locked up the first time, just in case it's something we can nail down?


the game crashed


Loading doesnt seem to work if you try to load through the game (it works in menu though) Also, on the sprites some of the demons seems way smaller... is that how it supposed to be? o:


seems to working great, farming and selling crops back and fort from farm and town (1 hour game play so far)


Reporting bugs/GUI issues in the new patreon build! First, when you speak with Jubelle Eve's sprite cuts off at her pants legs, which looks strange. Seems like her sprite should either be positioned lower or her boots should be showing until the end of the screen. Very commonly, the dialogue box will be just long enough that the blinking box signifying the end of the line will continually push the dialogue into line 3 when it turns on. This causes the first two lines to be centered and then suddenly pushed up every second or so, and is a bit jarring. The introduction to Camellia's tavern doesn't seem to trigger in this playthrough, although you can go inside the tavern. You just can't talk to Camellia and Isabelle doesn't tell you anything. When you go to Yonten's shop, you get a dialogue choice when talking to him. After you pick, he answers but you can't choose to ask the other question as well. You also can't talk or shop after this conversation concludes. Jubelle follows you around town, but when you get to the Union outpost she says she will wait outside and then follows you anyway. When Brontide tells you he will follow you, he doesn't move and Isabelle still follows you. I went into the basement for a fight and was able to attack with all three characters. When I got to the second attack round with Goldra, I tried to use her healing ability. Then all the GUI disappeared and I thought that the game crashed-- I think it was actually just waiting for me to select a person to use it on. Because there was no prompt or highlight, I didn't realize I was supposed to be picking, haha. I also noticed that at one point during the fight, I had Brontide try a basic attack and he clipped and turned into Camellia for a few seconds. When you die in battle, the game has a button that says "Quit" and then when you restart you get to pick your gender again. Then when you pick, it starts you in the arena with Jubelle. Unless you are supposed to be able to change genders when you die, this seems like a bug? Also, when you go back up the stairs you are able to trigger the convo with Goldra over again, but the fight dialogue with Brontide doesn't trigger if you go back down the stairs. (So you can't redo the fight.) When I started the game, I already had 10 seeds in my inventory. When I got to the farm and checked the chest, it says there are 10 seeds. I click select, and the seeds don't go into my inventory. Every time I click the chest, there are still 10 seeds in there. Went into the barn and there is no demon sprite. It is hard to trigger the sign that allows you to breed critters, but once you get the right angle the demons are in there. I would just expect to see a demon sitting around in the barn since he was added. Demon breeding animation with Eve does not loop back after climax like it does with other monsters. (Ex. after climax it will show you the loop again for Wolf. For Demon, the screen just disappears. You can use the climax button to see the animation again, though.


Also, not to just comment on bugs, some things I really liked about this build: -I liked having JuBelle show you around town, although I missed having the extra conversations with Yonten and Jaero. -I liked that I could go inside more places! -I liked the underground fighting arena. -I appreciated that doors you can use have blinking arrows. -Farming seemed to work really well compared to the last build I played! -Really enjoyed seeing so many new characters populating the town. I especially liked the mud salamander thing, it is adorable. Kind of reminds me of Meow from Space Dandy.


Thank you so much for the thorough break down! This is enormously helpful! ~JH >Really need to get a forum up and running finally so we can get more of these nice meaty responses more easily.


Oh good, can't wait to get the final part of the economy working with the breeding and essence farming mechanics.


The game just black screen after try to get in the farm either skip or not skip


Went into the tavern and the same dialogue played when you first walked up to it. Couldn't talk to Camellia or Jaero but could still buy/sells seeds.


When introducing to Jaero, it seemed (in the dialogue) like the image of Jubelle was still in the background faded out, yet she had no dialogue.


I think also to say, that in the fight, whenever it came around to Brontide's turn, his sprite for a second changed to Camellia's. On a larger note for me: I harvested the plants that were ready and sold them onto Jaero, bought some more and planted + watered them fine. I then left the farm and went to try the combat, succeeded and went back to the farm to check on the plants. When I arrived, all the seeds I had planted had reverted back to holes (aside from the plants that were growing from the start). The seeds were no longer in inventory (or the fruits), the box and it hadn't reverted the money. I didn't re-load the game/save at any point, however I did save. Not sure if this is part of the game and you lose them so quick, but the fact that the original plants were still there led be to believe it a bug.


Playing in Fullscreen mode after starting the game the window is just completly white, but with the menu button on the left top corner, changing to windowed mode fixes this and I can play normal.


It's working for me but after the introduction is that normal when you turn back to the city that julibelle is still following you ? and i have the impression that nothing happens after the intro i can interact with nothing except battle , and seller


That is correct, nothing else has been added yet, we're still in Alpha here.


i downloaded the new update and tried to play the game and it made a crash report folder and it told me to send it to the develaper


I got something about a crash bin called "2017-02-01_191154" The game isn't working for me either.


Same here. Edit: It went to the farm for me, finally, I just had to wait about 3-4 minutes then it finally loaded.


I'm getting the same problem as Iyanna where do I send it?


The game just stopped responding in the middle of combat for me. I suspect it might be because the boss attacked after Goldra just died/fainted/whatever, because it was working fine up until that point. Also, Brontide's idle battle animation seems kinda... wonky. He slides down as the animation progresses, then pops back up when it loops. I assume it's unintentional, because it's really jarring and the animation is spectacular otherwise.


My screen turns black when I skip the townwalktrough.


Game won't launch, crashes after a few minutes of non-response. A few crash logs were created automatically by Unity, should I paste them here?


Known issue we're having trouble nailing the cause of. We'll have a hotfix out shortly


<a href="http://pastebin.com/SCiWP3B8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/SCiWP3B8</a> Here ya go.


Unity crash at the start, pastebin of the two text files:<a href="http://pastebin.com/Z1VfhRZn" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/Z1VfhRZn</a>


Hope this helps out: <a href="http://pastebin.com/index/kDhYUiRS" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/index/kDhYUiRS</a>


I consistently crash when entering the farm unless I tab out to another window while it's loading. <a href="http://pastebin.com/WUdh7Vaf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/WUdh7Vaf</a> <a href="http://pastebin.com/YUuCrhGk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/YUuCrhGk</a>


1 Starting from savepoint in Eve’s farm: Triggering the dialogue to get your key from Isabelle causes the directional controls to stop working. Item and start menus function normally, but the player cannot move. 2 Grinder battle froze with Eve and Godra dead. Did not freeze when only Godra was dead. 3 Loading from startup works fine, but loading while playing causes the game to freeze at the end of the loading animation. 4 On my first try, pressing enter to talk to the seed seller twice caused the dialogue box to pop up with no text or sprites forcing me to exit the game. In all following attempts, nothing happens when enter is pressed. 5 Breeding Centaur with Centaur shows the animation for Centaur and Catgirl. 6 Toggling the audio off and on causes the volume to drastically increase. 7 You are able to walk around freely and interact with things during breeding animations with the player. I was hoping I could get the “that’s a good hole” dialogue, but farming does not work. <a href="https://puu.sh/tN3bw/5c34249404.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://puu.sh/tN3bw/5c34249404.png</a> <a href="https://puu.sh/tN4rk/475434dcd2.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://puu.sh/tN4rk/475434dcd2.png</a> <a href="https://puu.sh/tN4uG/a1c5ae9829.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://puu.sh/tN4uG/a1c5ae9829.png</a>


<a href="http://pastebin.com/PtzJPCsz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/PtzJPCsz</a>


<a href="http://pastebin.com/7GGmnC1K" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/7GGmnC1K</a>


When you plant things on your farm and exit your farm into the other area and come back your planted things disappear


Known bug, we'll see about nailing it this fix, or at least this version. It will be nailed before we move on from 1.04


cant you put the game on mega downlader


I tried the v1.04.1 but it still crashed...


Oh and I also was a patron of Breeding Season... Just fyi...