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If you look at our front page, we now have a cloud meadow fans discord ready to go. If you are a patron of ours and have your discord linked, the bot involved will switch you automatically into the various appropriate groups as matches your patronage level.

We should warn you however that the bot does this automatically, whether or not you accept any invites at all, you'll log into Discord and find yourself part of a new server.

You can find out how to recieve your discord rewards here 



Interesting :/


Discord is cool, but it is hard to make a 100% switch from TS3


Hm do I need to be a certain patron level? I've connected the app, but didn't join any discord groups


Yeah I haven't received an invite either. Maybe the bot checks once a day or something?


You need to actually have selected a patronage level, if you can access the Patron Builds, then you should have gotten the thing. You can also use our front page to log in directly and then just wait for the bot to wise up.


Very nice