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Adventurers are common out on the edges of the map. They seek fame and glory in the unexplored sections of the sky, where wild islands and dungeons still drift. Many seek out new places to call home, new types of monsters, new resources, and sometimes ruins of the past if they can. What unites all Adventurers is a deep seated need to roam and see the world for what it is, not to stay couped up on their own little slice of island, only drifting to those wild islands that happen to pass close enough for brief jaunts. Many Adventurers, especially Voyagers, Hedge Knights, and Seekers, spend months or years surviving on one wild island until it drifts closer to civilization, then they hitch a ride back with whoever comes on, or use their own short term travel accomodations to get back there, before waiting for the next wild island to pass by and start the process over again.



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