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Beta (78% 4_15) v0.1.1.1

This is the near finalized build before we do an update to the steam build for Halloween. We've tested this one a ton, worked out a lot of stability kinks thanks to all of you guys assistance this month! Have an early preview of Sebastian before anyone else in this little place holder Halloween Event we've made for you all!

To Install the Windows Build follow the instructions in the link below


You Can Find the Code for this Build Here

Saves are compatible


  • All Albums should have contents restored when loading a save from an older version that is based on the state of your quests and monsters you have if you are still playing with a version that has lost it’s album entries.


  • For those who use the codes to change seasons, we suggest that you make a separate save before doing so. Time will pass as if it was natural (thus if you’re playing in summer, and then select spring, it will act as if an entire year has passed), with the expected results on monster loyalty, crop growth, and similar issues. In addition, it’ll move you to the same day of the season you select as whatever the day is when you used the cheat option.
  • If you change seasons in Cloverton, you will need to move to an entirely separate instance of the game (not an interior space, but either to Katarina Station or your Farm), to cause the tileset to reload properly for Cloverton itself. It’s better to change the season while on your Farm for the best effect.


  • Added 3 new music tracks for the different seasons on the farm
  • Added 3 new music tracks for the different season at Cloverton
  • New Scenery for Cloverton and the Farm during Autumn!
  • New night time Cloverton
  • A new Halloween focused NPC named Sebastian with his own narrated sprite sex scenes. You can find him in the area of Yonten’s and Jaero’s shops from the 15th through the 21st of Autumn.
    • This is intended to be a placeholder for the eventual, more fleshed out, Halloween Event which will come in later updates.
  • Made it so you can refine crops into seeds


  • Changed seed drop traits from +1 per grade to 3% chance per grade
  • Reduced seed drop chance, so you no longer get a guaranteed seed for harvesting a crop.


  • Fixed issue with activePlots not being managed correctly for rubbish farm and the farming tutorial
  • Fixed issue with the player not moving to the DeathScreen after load position fix
  • Fixed issue with Managers trying to update farm objects while not in the farm scene
  • Fixed sequence issue with initializing breeding couple on the farm
  • Fixed issue with updated scene filtering, where it couldn't distinguish between the same pair of types, but with swapped genders
  • Fixed issue where palette selection was active in-game, for paletted HDs, instead of only in the album
  • Fixed issue with save games storing multiple copies of the same breeding couple
  • Fixed issue with the dialog history not clearing old messages, resulting in too many messages trying to display
  • Fixed issue when trying to load immediatly after entering game, while meta data is still be created for the first time
  • Fixed issue with some global settings (like autorun) not being saved (so not restored correctly)
  • Fixed issue where draggable icons on the job board would not update for status changes, after opened the first time in the scene
  • Fixed manual refining not keeping quality
  • Fixed some refinements not working as they should




Dont seem to be able to unlock the door under the windmill in town. Tried reloading in the dungeon and still, once I get the quest, I can't interact with the door and it stays closed