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Team Nimbus is looking for a second part time writer for this project. Pay will be 18.00 an hour, to a maximum of 1500 a month.

We need someone who is experienced with erodev and game writing projects, with those who have a portfolio of RPG or Visual Novel games taking priority. The job will primarily focus on side content rather than main story line content for the time being, such as side quests, npc dialogue, event dialogue, and similar.

Please submit a resume, coverletter, and portfolio to support@cloudmeadowgame.com at your earliest convenience to be considered for the position.



Oh awesome! Best of luck on the search and good luck to the fortunate soul who gets to write for CM!


Writing horny stuff? My time to shine...needing experience and a portfolio? nevermind...


We’re actually interested in this. Going to make a quick cover letter.