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Judge Heath here with a bit of good news/bad news,

Earlier this month we announced the search for a 2nd programmer, almost immediately after it, circumstances in Alniarez's life, and with the needs of the team, came into conflict, and we agreed it would be necessary to part ways so that Alniarez can see to affairs in his life that would have conflicted with our update schedule to an untenable degree.  Alniarez will be leaving us at the end of the month, and goes with our best wishes. 

Luckily, we had applications coming in, and a pool to draw from immediately for the replacement. KodexKommander is currently working with Alniarez to learn the code base, and has already set up his own stream, which will be running later today.

To everyone else who has applied for the 2nd programmer position, even those we haven't touched base with again at this time. You are not out of the running, we still have your resumes on file, and we will be getting into contact with you as we approach the 16.5k goal mark for the purposes of the 2nd Programmer Position.



I'm sad that as always with a new month, the pledges went down again. Would be great if you could have the 2nd programmer starting already sometime soon


We'll be releasing our monthly statement as usual, we're currently $1000 a head of what the public listing states.


I can make Hello world in C++ using only youtube videos and C++. Will you hire me?