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From Dearluna from Fiverr once more we have some artwork to showcase what's going on in my mind when I picture Trainer Trixie! For those that can tell shi is inspired by a F/GO character. This trainer is also considered roughly 2 metres tall so she towers over mere mortals like Brock and others!

I'm thinking of having Lawrence done up next but I also want to get some shots of Brock in a tuxedo made up that you can have a fun little vote on. I'm not sure if I will be able to find something that pairs with Sabrina's dress but we can have some fun with it no doubt! 

I am also paying to have some artwork done to commemorate the awards from SV! so thanks to all that voted over there! Expect some artwork that I will cross post to SB, SV, QQ, and RR. 



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