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A.N. The following chapter is the DxD story SI that I made but made for special release on Patreon. The last bit is lewd (NSFW) so don't read that if you don't want. As with any of my quests/stories (*) are used to mark the lewd sections. 


Winning the cosmic lottery was not what I was expecting to occur when I died. I mean I thought it was possible that I might go to hell. Even joked about meeting my friends there. Life was funny like that. You could do good most of your life but you still expected the worst for yourself. I spent my life as a health worker and still believed heaven would about face me if I should turn up at the pearly gates.

So learning I was in hell wasn’t as much a surprise as one would imagine. It was just that the Hell I found myself was nothing like what I imagined. Not enough fire and brimstone to really make me think that.

For a good while, I thought I might have reincarnated into early Bridgerton. There were a lot of very large rooms. The castle I lived in, and it could be nothing else with the stonework and the huge layout with towers reaching high into the sky. A few of these I’d been carried up to see the lands around where we lived. I’d likened it to a Lion King moment and my father had even gestured out one time.

“All this is our land my son. We control it and if any attempt to take it we fight and slay them where they stand!” he’d said before buffing fingernails. “Not that they’d dare. We are far too strong for any. We are also highly favoured by our Lords.” He’d then waved me off dismissively so the maid might return me to my room.

My care was typically something that maids and the occasional butler saw to. My parents were able to have entertainers come into courtyards and the great hall while they watched on, reclining in divans like the Romans would have. The men were all dressed so smartly while the woman had a certain grace with their long dress with lots of frills.

And lots of debaucheries. The maids were none to discrete about their gossip when they didn’t think I was listening. Apparently, both my parents were known to have appetites that everyone seemed to consider the norm. More than a maid or butler ended up ‘missing’ from work only to turn up nearly exhausted having ‘put in extra’ with my parents. It was a mystery to me why I didn’t have a larger family. With the amount of sex going on, I had to have a half brother or sister somewhere.

I, myself caused a small bubble of ‘no lewds’ to occur around myself as maids carrying me would be propositioned only for them to indicate myself. I’d seen cleaners, butlers and guardsmen all enjoying themselves with maids or themselves before I had mastered crawling.

In the end it wasn’t the outright debauchery that let me know I was wrong with my Bridgerton assumptions so much as it was when someone first performed magic in front of me. It had been a complex mandala that had spun about for a long moment before a fire had been created in a firepit. Then something had blown out of the room causing the maid to growl in annoyance. Then they’d unfolded their bat-like wings to retrieve it. I’d been very quiet for the rest of the day with that revelation.

So quiet that I had the maids send for a healer who checked me over with magical glyphs on his hands. His hands swept up and down before declaring that I was sound in body, mind and soul and that no maladies had been detected.

“He shouldn’t require anything at all. Simply being quiet for now.”

My mother who had come in at the arrival of the healer relaxed. “For a moment I thought I would have to cry.”

“No need for tears today my lady,” chuckled the healer good-naturedly. I watched now, quiet as I could while taking in everything around me.

I remained so for the next few days as I came to terms with this new information. The realisation that I had a family of devils that lived in a castle that had magic and were lustful in the extreme made me have some suspicions.

Suspicions, that were confirmed when my father, Lord Raliel, demonstrated the uses of our family bloodline. The flame regeneration that all trueborn Phenex had. He then tested me by stabbing me through the leg.

I’d been too shocked to wail. My body ignored pain entirely as I went into shock. Then he had withdrawn the blade only for flames to erupt around where the wound should have been. I had prodded it dully with chubby baby hands but understood that nothing said was a lie.

“You are my son!” he had stated firmly, with an assured air about him. In a way I had understood that this was also a way of him testing how faithful my mother had been at the time. They possibly had methods of checking lineage with magic but it was much easier to just stab them and fid out.

More dramatic as well.

The final nail in the coffin for where I was when my mother had given a proper ojou-sama laugh, her breasts almost spilling out of her dress as she scooped me into her arms. “Ohohoho! I’m so happy for our darling Raviel! He shall make a fine heir for the Phenix family!” They’d both kissed passionately at that before handing me over to a maid so they might deepen the kiss. I’d been taken out of the room as my mother started to be torn from her clothes.

I can honestly say I was not expecting to be reborn in the world of DxD. This let me start making plans.


Learning about where I was helped out immensely. With the understanding of the possibilities came the experimentation of what I could do. For devils the sky was not the limit. They honestly didn’t have a limit it appeared. They could either work at it or simply exist and they’d grow stronger.

It had been tempting, therefore, knowing that all I needed to do to grow strong was to exist. It takes away much of the urge to better yourself. Why bother working hard when you’d get there in the end? You could wait people out. Devils were one of the only supernatural races that grew more powerful the older they got.

Not that we should ever compare ourselves to lowly fox spirits or other lesser creatures. Devils were superior, end of story. We just were. I’d had the maids pointedly explain this to me many times when I’d begun to express a desire for either literary or spoken stories. Some tales they told me simply had the devil run off with their tails between their legs, slowly observe their mortal enemy for weakness and wait them out. Usually with a side story of debauchery and trickery for anyone else that happened to be in the region.  Then they either grew stronger or learnt of the enemy's weak point before strutting in and winning without breaking a sweat.

I’d given my maids very unimpressed looks at that ending before asking for more exciting stories. They hadn’t had any. This had been seen as a rather large failing on their part. So they kidnapped a troubadour to listen to his songs and tales. A peasant devil troubadour of course. Not some pesky short-lived mortal.

He’d had a bit more diversity but I was quick to spot the underlying similarities —read propaganda/drivel— that permeated everything that came out of his mouth. Thankfully this had provided a clue towards the timeline. The fact that the people around here used bards and troubadours indicated that this was during the medieval period.

Something I had to grow used to. There was rather more waxing poetic and pausing dramatically when people spoke to each other. It added a slight slowness which really allowed my mind to work overtime. I gave them points for style though. Every point saw reactions and sparked flourishes that made for an entertaining start to my life.

I’d learnt that the world also had certain expectations with how people acted… beyond the rampant sex that occurred behind barely closed doors. There was more dramatisation to my life. With loud boisterous statements being the norm. In the training area the few guards we had proclaimed their loyalty and strength before sparring each time. Sometimes they kept shouting while throwing themselves about. Something that I was pretty sure should have negatively affected them but then again. Devils. I’d even seen a full-on iron chef showdown in the kitchens when I’d snuck in for a snack.

I was seen as quiet and studious for my efforts to learn to read as early as possible. I made sure to demand to learn more and more of the world. Thankfully large amounts of it matched up with my understanding of DxD. At least from the Devil factions history. When I’d learnt about humanity I’d asked probing such as who their leaders were.

I had no idea who Aethelred was but understood that as ‘King of the English’ there likely had to be an English people. Sadly no one had made things easy with simple dating for the birth of Christ but rather used the length of the dynasty to indicate what year it was. This was no different in Hell.

The year 377 of the Four Great Satans really didn’t give me any more context. It did divert my attention from learning when I was in earth orientated times to learn more about the history of our race as Devils. I quickly learnt that I can’t even think the G-word and instead adopted the name of ‘Sky guy’ for the big cheese that was now supposedly deader than a … dodo.

I added animal conservation to my list of potential ‘things to keep me interested. It turns out being the heir to a family of devils resulted in a life of largesse. I didn’t have need for anything and my own desires drove my day.

I wasn’t expected to appear in society until I was at least ten years of age and then only sporadically until I reached fifteen where it was more accepted if not expected for me to start rebelling and turn up to social events to drink and diddle.

Until then I had a very relaxed tutoring schedule that I supplemented with magic —because as if I wasn’t going to learn that—, more history lessons with my mother, sparring with the guards, and finally music.

I’d always held a fascination with music and a general appreciation but I’d never felt I had enough time. I liked the idea of it certainly. This had been another thing that I had caught myself out on. I’d considered it initially only to push it to the side. ‘I’ll learn it one day’ was such an insidious little thought when nothing seemed at stake. I’d caught myself that time and demanded a tutor from my parents.

I’d ended up with something resembling a rougher more clunky violin after rejecting a thing called a hurdy-gurdy and the pipes. I made sure to promise my teacher to come back around to another instrument later, much to their amusement. It might have been the serious vow I had voiced at the time while standing astride my rather small study desk.

I’d gotten a pat on the head for my effort.

When I’d turned ten I had been introduced to the high society for Devil kind. Most of the nobles hadn’t attended as it was to be a tame affair by all accounts. There would be no blood sports on show, no naked human slaves or defeated devils. Some maids whispered of Angels occasionally serving as entertainment at the Satans’ own events. Fallen and heavenly it should be noted.

I’d still learnt lots of useful little things such as there currently not being a Serafall, Sirzechs, or Ajuka. Falbium Glasya-Labolas was a known name however being a good few decades older than me. This meant he was still seen as a youth and not ‘middle-aged’ as he would in a human environment. This served as an interesting clue for me to learn that I was well before the Civil war that was set to occur within Hell.

If I wanted to live well in this world. I’d need to become strong, something that I was very well placed to see happen.

“We have another announcement for our fellow Devilkind!” I stopped what I was doing, my attention claimed by my father. He grinned like a cat that had gotten into the cat lady’s house and gotten out after a week. The music stopped at his gesture.

“My fellow devils! We have a grand announcement!” He put his hands around my mother before gesturing to me. “My Lord,” He nodded towards the Lord Leviathan who was attending. Around them, they had a small court worth of devils seeking their attention. The man inclined his head and raised an eyebrow to express his curiosity. I approached my father and he clapped me on the shoulder.

“We were fortunate to have our Raviel but now our luck has grown to that of the Gremory!” He nodded towards a Red-haired man with a thin beard on his chin who chuckled before calling out.

“Ha! You wish!” He then tugged the two women next to him into his sides and smirked.

Father laughed before putting a hand on mother’s stomach. The gesture drew everyone’s attention. “My family is bloodline is strong! We will soon be blessed with another child and a younger sibling for our Raviel!”

The hall stood stunned for a long moment before Lord Leviathan stepped forward and clapped. Instantly everyone joined in, My mother and father beamed at the praise while I had a hand placed on my shoulder. I caught more than a few thoughtful looks to accompany the envious looks my entire family was now receiving.

I knew from the anime devils were not able to raise their numbers easily from breeding but the same seemed to be true of many powerful beings. The Gods and goddesses running around were if anything even worse in some cases.

I watched the people watching us and tried to put names to faces for those that seemed angered or envious of our announcement. They would most likely pay to watch. Also with it being an anime world, there would have to be… I paused on a man that was sweeping out of the room dramatically but also in a way that no one seemed to notice. I hummed to myself.

Foras… and Malphas.  I added another as a woman stalked out but I chalked it up to something that her partner had said to her. There were in fact a lot of pinched expressions on the woman about while men seemed to sniff and turn away. The older part of me from a future with men and women struggling with IVF felt for them. I could, in some small way empathise with them.

That did not mean I wasn’t aware of the dangers that Devilkind offered each other. The day after my introduction to Devil society and my parent’s announcement, I doubled my efforts in training.

I worked myself into the ground with sweat. Then I ran until it hurt to run. Then I chanted the fighting Uruk-hai song under my breath to make myself push on. My legs burnt and my vision swam. But I felt myself growing stronger as my mother’s baby bump grew. My parent’s chalked it up to their announcement of being a few months along with a sibling. Two children in less than a century was well-received news. Something that was extremely rare for our species.

When my little sister entered this world she cried like any baby and my family was graced with a messenger from Leviathan himself congratulating my family on their fortune.

Others had sent their own praises as well but that had been more a trite reaction with some sending extravagant gifts. Especially when they heard that the child was a girl.

Everything looked to be going wonderfully. Which made me ease up on my physical training and begin roaming the halls. I did this out of a niggling sense of a shoe about to drop on us than any concrete backing.

I ended up being right in the worst of ways.


I stalked through the halls of our castle. I passed maids and servants. I nodded to the ones that noticed me while ignoring the ones that had been entangled in each other. I noted it down for teasing and potential blackmail later but otherwise continued on.

We didn’t have any actual guards. This always struck me as fitting and at the same time arrogant. Each Devil that walked our hallways potentially could fight if needed but it always made me think of the movie three hundred where Leonidas asked his ally how many soldiers he brought before correcting the man.

It was an oversight that we had allowed ourselves into. One that made me have the stirrings of an idea. I approached my family wing only to stop when an iron smell entered my nostrils.

My eyes instantly snapped to the slumped bodies of servants. Dead. My mind supplied me before I was truly cognizant of it. Another body fell to the floor and I look up to see men in black clothes that were even now opening the door to my sister’s room.

I called up my magic and poured on the power of fire. From my fingers, an eruption of flame blasted its way down the hall. Two men turned only to have the flames consume them before they could scream.

I drew in huge lungfuls of air as their bodies hit the ground, the smell of cooked bacon making my gorge rise. I sank to my hands and knees and threw up the contest of my stomach.

I spat and sat up trying not to look towards the dead bodies even as my eyes felt dragged towards them. Before I could make myself sick my sister began to cry and one of the nursemaids screamed.

“No! Get away!”

I snapped my head up. I must not have gotten them all. I staggered to my feet and ran to the door before stopping in the doorway as the maid flicked a small dagger at the man that was advancing on her. The maid stood firm in front of the cot and before either, she or I could act a blade buried itself in her chest. She collapsed but threw herself into the man in some attempt to stop him.

He backhanded her aside.

I ran at him, trying to call up my magic only for the fireball that emerged to be a far cry from the torrent I had unleashed earlier. This time the man turned and I felt the blade sink into my chest as I was flung back. Flames licked over my body where the wound was and melted the blade. I rolled out of the way and found myself lucking out of a kick to the ribs.

I kept rolling as it seemed to be working for me my hands reaching for a small blade I kept at my side. I wouldn’t get the chance to draw it however as the man kept the pressure upon me. I eventually rolled next to the still dying maid.

I snatched up the Stilleto she’d failed to use. I had just enough time to get it up and between myself and the man as he stomped down.

“ARGH! FUCKING HEAVEN!!” screamed the man. I sat up and punched a gout of flame for his stomach. Instead, I smashed into his groin, making his scream turn soprano before he staggered back. He uncorked a small vial and turned only to collapse. The vial rolled out of his hands and its contents spilled out like star-filled oil. Then I saw the thin gas smoke off the liquid. I decided I wanted nothing of that and backed away.

Thankfully no one but the assassin would inhale any of it. This proved to be extremely fortunate as the floor and the man’s body began to melt from where the gas and liquid touched.

“Ah! You-ng Mast-” a wet cough cut out what the maid had been about to say. I turned to her and grimaced at what I saw. The man’s blade had punched through her gut and I could tell that she had lost far too much blood. I didn’t need to be a doctor to know that much. The ashen look on her face only highlighted how little chance she had.

I glanced at the vial before looking at the maid. I nodded to myself and knelt.

“You’re Odessa right?”

She gave me a tremulous smile. I nodded before leaning close. “Don’t worry Odessa, I’m here and you are safe.” I focused on my eyes and pushed magic. It came sluggishly and hurt. I felt it tear at something that I had been warned about once.

I’d only asked once about how we as Phenix cried tears that healed people and my father had given a vague answer. I didn’t have the time to go and find him for specifics. I did as he had told me.

I push all of my magic into the bottom of my eyes. A place I knew tear ducts to me. I felt something drink in the magic, draining me as it did before I saw something golden well up in one eye. Odessa gasped I smiled and ripped the weapon from her guts and she screamed.

A tear fell from my eye and I collapsed.


I awoke in my bed with my mother and father sitting at the edge. In my mother’s arms my sister was quietly suckling.

“Is she alright?” I asked causing both of my parents to startle. They swarmed me and checked me over. My father clutched my shoulder.

“Son! That was… that was very foolish of you! That was… that was very brave…” He squeezed me once more. “Excellent work my boy.” I felt myself grow a little closer at the man’s honest show of care. Mother leaned in and kissed my on my cheeks, and forehead whispering thank you over and over before nodding.

“I’m glad you’re alright Raviel. You really protected the family tonight.”

Father nodded. “I shall have to flog the staff. Too lax. They’ve become too lax by far.”

I sat up. “Actually father… might I suggest something different?” He looked at me with curiosity but nodded his head. “I was thinking the other day. We have a lot of servants but they have a lot of different jobs to look after. I know they work to keep the place clean, cook, follow orders and guard us but… maybe we should have a dedicated group for that. A sort of… house guard?”

My father rubbed his chin. “What were you thinking?”

“I’d ask for volunteers from our subjects or servants as they stand for something a little different. I’d train them to stand guard. Patrol and act for us.”

“You mean like an army? We shouldn’t need such a thing.” I could tell he wanted to dismiss me.

I waved at myself and then at my sister. “I can’t be nearby all the time. We shouldn’t make it easy for people trying to hurt us.” I tilted my head. “The .. poison the assassin had… was that meant for us? To stop our regeneration?”

He nodded tightly. “I think I see what you mean… you’re right. Damn what others think of us. We’ll make ourselves stronger!”

I smiled. “Might I train them?” I asked as ideas formed up in my head of how I wanted them to act.

He considered me a long time before nodding. “You will be given a group… I shall oversee the group at large. They answer to me and your mother first and foremost young man.”

“Of course father.” I glanced around. “What happened to Odessa?”

The woman that had been stabbed stepped into view and proffered a bow. “I am here young master.” She stayed bowed.

Faher consdiered the woman. “She told us what happened. I am less than pleased that you used your tears so young my son… you need to be careful with them.”

I stared at Odessa’s bowed head. “She more than deserved it.”  She turned her head just enough to look at me. Her eyes were wet and held some emotion I wasn't familiar with.

I soon learnt what it was when I had the servants assembled and announced my offer of retraining into the first house guard of the Phenix.

While others whispered among themselves in surprise. Odessa stepped forward without hesitation. “I volunteer!”

Devotion. That was the only way to describe her looks from that moment on.

Others joined and I collected an even hundred for my father. He claimed ninety of them and I took the other ten. We trained as a larger cohort. The ten that I had had to go a step beyond, however. I demanded more of them, secretly having weighted suits and heavier training weapons assigned to them. I made them sit in with my magic lessons and turn the sessions into small debates more than a mentor and a single student.

In some ways, it made things easier for me as more depth and insight were added. I worked through each training session with them. I knew how close things were to going terribly wrong and that served as enough motivation.

Odessa stuck with me throughout it all. If anything her devotion to me only grew.

I grew stronger. I began to become defter in my control of magic but I made sure to drag my own personal guards up with me. There didn’t exist a handy strength rating system like there would be in the future. And there weren’t any rating games that would safely allow me to fight to the death.

Instead, I had to brawl with my men and I went from being able to handle two of them at a time to one back to two. I seesawed on my advantage as we all grew. I ended up having to use my tears on a few occasions. Enough to see me slowly devoting time to building up a reserve of tears for such accidents. My father and mother were less than pleased but they had to accept my reasoning.

I wanted guards that were strong and most importantly alive. Dead men weren’t of any use. It didn’t matter that each tear put me into bed for almost an entire day. It was worth it. I hadn’t noticed it the first time but shedding tears was akin to grabbing your fingernail in a pair of pinchers and slowly peeling.

You also had to deal with a slight lethargy from an over-stressed body for the next day but again I considered it a cheap price.

The guards all knew of this and this bonded them tighter to me. On one memorable occasion, they even dragged a beaten and bloody devil before my father that had promised them riches beyond imagining if they merely told them certain details about my family.

I’d made a point to have them kneel before dragging in barrels full of golden coins that I set before them. Father had smirked at my antics before decrying the spy and casting him into the dungeons for torture. We hadn’t learnt much but I wasn’t surprised. 

Devilkind were known for cunning after all.

I was pleased. I had a seemingly winning formula with more than a few irons in the fire for further strength along with more than a few feelers for other options.

As I grew stronger I obviously grew older.

By the time I was fifteen I was practically eye fucking the women in my unit when I wasn’t running myself into the ground. Sadly, this grew harder and harder to achieve. I wasn’t surprised when Odessa was the first to notice the problem.

She chose perhaps the most cliche way to approach the issue. She certainly made it memorable.


I stripped out of my training clothes and tossed them into a bin for a servant to clean while walking into the bathhouse that was specifically just for my family. On more than a few occasions we’d bathed as a family. It might have seemed odd to have the roman style building in the medieval castle but it fit when you considered that my parents had likely dealt with the Romans during their best. Portions of their designs could be seen throughout our and other devils' home. I was very happy about this as it made extremely well-designed homes that were only bolstered with magic coming into the equation.

I flicked my fingers and flames shot out into scones about the room. Any wave saw the water boiling before lowering the temperature to well under scalding.

I sat and a large bubble of water lifted. I pointedly tried not to gesture this time as I reminded myself to not rely on the gestures. I should be able to use my mind. It wobbled before settling into a slow pace. I stopped it and had tendrils reach out of the bubble to rub at my shoulders as I began to rub soap into my skin.

“A marvellous display my Lord,” called a sultry voice. I glanced to the side and nodded to Odessa. I had felt her following me in, she likely had something to address about the training regime.

Those thoughts vanished when she stepped into the light and I realised she was nude.

“O-odessa?” I said as my eyes drank her in. She shamelessly walked toward me, her glorious body on display. She had slowly grown from a normal maid to a rather tall if well-rounded woman with pert breasts. I think they would have been considered B’s or C’s in my old world.

Her stomach was toned with just the hint of abs peeking through from all the training. Her hips swayed. I stared straight at her pussy which was hidden behind a bush of hair. My mind conjured up all the ways I could strip her of that final chastity veil before I snapped out of it. I swallowed and tried to affect a nonchalant air.

“Was there something wrong that you needed to discuss with me?”

“No, my Lord.” I shivered at the way she said my name from the back of her throat. She knelt in front of me and took my hand in hers. “My Lard. My Raviel!” She breathed in and out and I watched mesmerised as her breasts rose and fell. She took my hand and put it between her breasts. I knew my cock couldn’t get any harder so instead, it twitched. The small movement drew Odessa’s blue eyes towards it.

She licked her lips. “M Lord… I have noticed how… hard you are pushing yourself of late. I’ve noticed the strain as well. The way you’ve looked at me and others. You’re hungry my lord.”

“I—” she put a hand to my lips.

“Shhhhhh. No, my Lord. Understand that we are all yours. A thousand times over, we are yours. You took us from our lowly roles. Some directly from the gutter even. You have made us more.” She took my hand and pushed it deeper. I felt her heart thunder against it. “I want to help you in any way that I can. I can see you holding yourself back.” She moved the hand again.

“Don’t hold yourself back.” She leaned in as my fingers brushed her nipples. “If you’re hungry my Lord… devour me~”

I surged forward as my mind untrained instincts demanded I act now. I wrapped an arm around her head and dragged her in to kiss before pushing my tongue into her.  I grabbed her breast and practically mauled it as I felt her body mould itself into me. She groaned and I shuddered at the feel of her. The soft body wrapped around the hardened iron that I had forged.

She was of a height with me but that didn’t matter when we sprawled to the floor of the bathhouse. I loomed over her and continued to kiss. Her hands ran over my back before gliding down to my groin.

She broke the kiss. “My Lord! I can feel you! You’re so hard! So big!”  I felt more than saw her spread her legs underneath me. “Oh take me Lord! Take me Raviel!”

I pumped forward in her grip before snarling. I sat back on my knees and lined myself up. Then I thrust up into her. I groaned as I felt her folds wrap around me before I encountered resistance. I glanced down and grunted as I found myself only halfway. I worked my hips back and forth for a few strokes each drawback and thrust resulting in a harsh slap. Odessa whimpered and I stopped.

“Is that hurting?”

She shook her head. “I can take it my Lord.”

I clicked my tongue. “That’s not what I asked.” I kissed her and performed smaller strokes to work myself into her without hammering at her. She slowly opened up and I felt the satisfaction of feeling her shuddering as I reached her depths. When I rolled my hips into her she shuddered. “Oh? Liked that Odessa?”

“Rav-raviel!” she cried. I grinned and gave up fucking her for the moment before grinding myself into her. I held myself as deep as I could and rolled my hips each forward roll resulting in her gripping me tighter and tighter.

“sO deep! Oh! Oh! Lord! Lord I’m -I’m going to!!!’

I grinned and kissed her fiercely. “Cum for me Odessa!”

She kissed me back and wrapped herself tightly before convulsing around my cock. I continued the pressure for as long as I could. She groaned into my mouth before slumping back. “Did you? I mean, did I satisfy you my Lord?”

I grinned. “Not yet.” I sped up and began to properly fuck her. She lay there and grunted as she felt me plunge into her before I felt hr tensing up. “Again? You're going to make me cum again?”

This time I felt the pressure build up into I felt it was all I could do to not raor as I spent myself within her. She crooned at the feel before shuddering as her body tightened up again. I let myself fall onto her as I heaved in lungfuls of air.

For a long while we both lay still. Her under me with my still sheathed in her. “Odessa, thank you. I… needed that.” I hummed before snorting. I was a devil I really shouldn’t have repressed myself like I had. I was probably the equivalent of a forty-year-old virgin in Devil society.

I sat up and groaned as I slipped from her folds. She whimpered before shuddering. “I feel empty without you Lord.”

I chuckled. “You’ll give me a big head Odessa.” I sat back and looked at her. With her hair splayed out like that and with her legs bowed she looked thoroughly fucked. I felt the old surge of pride well up within at a job well done. Then I saw my seed spill from her. I really would have to shave her soon.

I would no doubt be able to turn it into a very lewd affair. She sat up and turned over to stand and some of my seed ran down her legs. I felt myself twitch. I glanced down slightly surprised at how quickly I had recovered. Then I huffed.. Of course. I was a teenage devil. I need to stop thinking things through a human lens.

I watched Odessa get her knees underneath her. In that pose with her backside to me she was practically baring her backside and pussy to me. I knelt behind her.

“Oh you don’t need to—” I thrust into her and she grunted. “Oh! My Lord is hungry~.”

I grabbed her hands to stop her from supporting herself with them. I tugged them behind her and tugged her back harder against my hips. Her backside made a wonderful slapping noise. “I think you’ve been wanting this for a while Odessa.” I began to rock my hips back and forth properly. “You’re always having little accidents near me and you’re always there when I wake up. I think you’ve been hoping for me to gobble you up for a while now. Haven’t you?”

“Yeeeeeeess!” She screamed and I held her tight and began to pound into her.

“Good,” said with a growl. I leaned in and pushed her hand under her before leaning in and laying my teeth against her shoulder. “You’re mine Odesa. You hear that? If you stray I won’t ever touch you again. Understand. Stay mine and I’ll keep you right where you deserve.”

“Uh?” was all she managed but I grinned as I continued to work myself into her.

“You’ll be under me Odessa. Now and forevermore. I hope you’re ready to be eaten every chance I get.”

Her wails of pleasure were answer enough. When I spent myself in her again I dragged her into the bath with me. She nuzzled into me and kissed my body wherever she could reach. “My lord is kind. I want to be with you forevermore…” She slumped into my shoulder. “Forever and ever.”

I intertwined our fingers. “Like I said. Mine. Forever and ever.” I grinned.

I really had won the lottery. The future might promise war but I was slowly making moves that would make sure my family would emerge better off.

A.N. This as requested from the Poll I offered last month. Felt up to typing something up tonight so I did up a proper chapter for the DxD story. This is Patreon exclusive and I have no plans to put it out on other sites.

With Magester and this, I have the extra chapters for things other than Hard enough laid out. I do plan on releasing another poll for next month for anything you want. I will not commit to giving out 3 extra chapters on top of my usual workload of a chapter a week but I will try to boost things so you get some good value out of your support for me.

I apologise for any errors in this. This is unedited. If anyone wants to they can act as beta's.

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