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Hello lizards and other squamate reptiles,

First, the poll for $10 backers to decide the next patron content will be going live right after I'm done typing it. If you're one of them, check it out in a sec!

Second, we (Kat) are (is) in the process of collating everyone James Somerton stole from, so we can share the ad revenue from the last video with them. Since the video's release, a lot more eyes have been looking for plagiarism in those videos, so we're confident we'll be able to track most of them down. The work has been democratized, which is a clever way of saying "I don't have to do it all myself any more, hooray!!"

Some ex-Somerton fans have even started a website with transcripts of the videos and sources for what was stolen, which is super impressive. Take a look if you're interested, and I'm sure there are still contributions to be made. It's great having more people looking, so we make sure we don't miss anything.

Next up is collecting the contact information for the stolen writers, determining how we're distributing the funds, and working with them to get their money in the bank with the appropriate tax guidance. We didn't remotely expect this kind of attention (or money (dear god, 14 million views, what the hell happened here)) so we're handling this as a proper operation. We want to do right by the people affected, so we'll be up front with how we handle things once we reach that step.

After that's all sorted, it's back to making videos. Over the last few years I've started a lot of projects intent on making several videos out of it (RWBY, Vaccines, Fallout, Deus Ex)... and then decided to 'take a break' and started another thing without making the 'next' videos I openly teased (vampire the masquarade, more rwby, other aspects of vaccines, more fallout games etc). I think it might be nice to clean up shop and finish some of those!

...or maybe I'll start another extremely high-commitment project. Who knows. Maybe I already started one and you'll see updates on it soon. Maybe an animated short is being made in collaboration with a real animation studio. Probably not though. That sounds like I just made it up. Ignore that.

Pretty soon I'll finally make the video talking about the Brainmind Residency, where we funded a bunch of small independent creative projects. (wow I really hate taking youtube's money don't I) It'll probably go up on the second channel when it's done.

When the plagiarism-sorting is finished (and the next patron-only content is out), I'll post another update here about what's progressing. I'm glad to be working on stuff I can actually talk about while I'm making it now. Thanks again for being so patient with the last video. I'm glad that ordeal is (almost) over!

- Harry



slayyyyyy queen


so proud to be giving you my money honestly, been following since like 2018 and only recently joined the patreon. Really explains why the yt uploads are so sparse, theres so much content on here and you clearly work so hard on everything! What a lovely community too!! Big love harris and crew! Also, my tumblr feed went mad for the plagiarism vid, never seen anyone on there mention you and suddenly you're trending overnight! Loving this one post imagining a deathnote au where you take down kira, i can almost hear your voice when I read it lmao


"14mil views, what the hell happened here" sir it was a four hour video you knew you were tempting fate, or at least our algorithms <3


I still feel weird about you giving the money away. It is 100% your right, but to me your gift to these creators is proper recognition and proofs, which is more than enough. You did journalistic work. Journalists deserve to be paid. And if someone should pay the original creator, it should be Somerton, forced to do so by being sued by the creators helped with your massive amount of proofs. You did intense work, after years of slowing building up to that kind of content, you deserve that money. The journalists in Spotlight didn't give back their annual salaries to the victims, the information was what they give, same as you. Anyhow, I'm ranting, but I defend your right to be rewarded, which you might feel comfortable defending yourself.


Dude, this video made me a heck of a lot more conscious about what kind of video content in was consuming. So thank you, seriously. Your hard work was clearly noticed by the community, and it's awesome that so many people have begun to think more critically of what they are feeding their brain-holes. Glad to be a patreon, amd keep up the great work!


Just wanted to say your let’s play from way back when got me to finally play Dusk, and I plan on getting Doom next! I’m having such a good time, I miss those videos… As far as the work you do goes, if you don’t end up in a history book someday I’m gonna be so mad. Slay on, soy king.


It’s made me hyper aware of grammatical errors in scripts. I’m like “is this just an innocent mistake or is it CRIMES.”


The thing is Harry, you're a beautiful person, in every single way and metric that entails, and this post only confirms it (again). Keep being you.


Ya. Honestly wouldn't mind let's play or other low effort contents. I came to like your talking and insights, so shorter contents would be lovely too


I love your writing style and everything you’re putting out. I’m 30 years old and have been on the tube for a long time. Found you a few months ago and you are hands down the best creator on the platform. I mean I gave you my fuckin money mate. Haha do not stop Harry. Also you look better with the beard and shaved head.


I'm just making sure it's noted somewhere that Tommy Tallarico is selling his home & I think it has enough space for a certain someone's new recording studio. Then that certain someone would be the Guinness World Record Holder for "Most Homes Bought of a Former Guinness Record Holder."


Maybe we can put together a GoFundMe for Harry to buy it. Imagine the hashtag Content!


hey kat, hey harry, out of curiosity, will you guys make accounts on other websites like bluesky/mastodon (? idk if i spelled that right) preferably a platform where you can see posts without having an account of your own, since trying to check your guyses tweets on old and this new mess of website twitter is really difficult. if not, all good no worries. i was just wondering lol


Never change, Hbomb. Never change. And by that I mean keep on whatever train led you from Bloodborne and Sargon to this. Whatever's next is hype as shit.


hey Harry if you see this you should make a video about drakengard


Hey Harry! Hope you're doing well and have been kind to yourself since the last video, I'd been just watching through all the bts videos as sort of a comfort thing and to inspire myself to make creative things. It occurred to me I could also write here and that things we write sometimes get back to you - just wanted to say thank you for your work and your presence, and to reaffirm that it's your voice I (we) enjoy, whatever the subject. Looking forward to whatever comes next!

craig cox

Hey Harry, have you seen my keys?

Mara Caroni

It has now been 69 days since this update was posted.* *Disclaimer: Commenter's decision to post this comment was based exclusively on Commenter's personal opinion that the number 69 is "A Funny Number", and is in no way an indication of dissatisfaction, impatience, frustration, indignation, vexation or disgruntlement on part of Commenter with regard to relative frequency or infrequency of YouTube uploads, Patreon updates, or any other other form of communication by Harry "Harris" Brewis, A.K.A. Hbomberguy, or any affiliate of the Hbomberguy brand or channel.

Luke Taylor



I think he might have found another guy to do a 2 hour expose on and talk about it in a 5 hour video