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Please find enclosed a video about Myst, which I made at the behest of $10 backers voting on it for the next bonus video. I'd intended for it to be a little shorter, more like a proof-of-concept for a full video later on, but as is my custom at this point, it exploded out of my control and became the full-length video it would have been anyway.

I'm keeping it just for patrons for the foreseeable future. I really appreciate the constant support (and patience) you folks give me, so I like the idea of there being entire videos that are just yours. Also, I joked in the Human Revolution video that my next video-game video would be about the Director's Cut of that game, and I want to remain technically true to that, lol.

Proper captions will be up for the video in a few days, if you like that sort of thing.

Let me know what you think! As I say in the end credits, I wanna do something on "Myst-Alikes" and the attempted remasters of Myst, but I would love to know if anyone would actually like that first, aha. I'm going to think more about that when I get some other stuff out of the way.

Speaking of which! My next video is going to be about how modern digital creative tools shape contemporary media. I'm finally going to show off what became of the Brainmind Residency, so that's exciting. Oh, and a segment in it was made for the RWBY video literally years ago - I hired an animator and everything! - so it's gonna be really fun showing that off. I'm finally getting stuff off my plate, which is very fun and freeing.

Also, as mentioned above, in the works is a review of the Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut, which I plan as a sort of 'I hit 1 million subscribers so here's a stupid video I shouldn't have made, instead of the usual Q&A no-one wants' video. My 1-million subsciber plaque is sitting unopened, leaned against the doorway of my bathroom, until I complete this project, as a constant reminder.

As the large stack of George Lucas-related books implies, the Star Wars videos are also still happening. By the time they're done, we'll have looped back around to the prequels being thought of as bad, and my takes will be radical again.

My other big main focus right now is a secret. It'll probably come out between these last two things, but I can't say what it is right now. It has to be a surprise.

Anyway, $10 backers please check back in about a week for the poll for what the next bonus video should be.




Myst is (Still) Genius, And Here's Why



I know it was a joke but there is a resurgence of Myst on tiktok right now.


Gonna Watch this while I block every single fucking annoying Twitter Blue User! Thanks, HBomb!


Dad finally came back after getting cigarettes


Aww yess. Finally hbomb is vindicating my Myst tattoo, shirt, hat, pin, and deluxe anniversary edition linking book.


Myst!!! My mom played this game when I was a kid. I remember nothing about the game itself but I do remember her phone messages pad next to the computer with the myst puzzle answers along with her plans for her Colonization towns.


Joined to Patreon to watch this. Myst and Riven are two of the very first games I remember playing as a kid (I have a formative memory of seeing my dad get the bad ending of Riven where you open the fissure too early and the whole world gets sucked into the abyss and having nightmares about it). All that to say, I really enjoyed this and am excited to see whatever bigger idea this develops into (also, would totally be down to watch a video about the various remakes which I understand are probably more accessible to modern players on the surface, but spoil a lot of the magic that made Myst so special).


Joined Patreon just to watch this video. Today's the anniversary of my father's death and one of my earliest memories was sitting in his lap and watching him play Myst. I would love to see you actually make a Must remaster comparison video. I'd like to know what the changes were you thought were for the worst. Nobody online ever seems to have actually compared them. And I'll be damned if I'm going to.


I’m old enough to have played myst back then, tho like too many fun things of the late eighties and early nineties, I missed it I’m sure glad I didn’t mys this video Fun! Thank you!


Harry you know we want that hour of nitpicking


Can we please have a suite of Myst and Cyan videos?


While watching this video I kept thinking about the stories from the sequels and how Achenar gets his redemption arc. I also think Atrus is kind of a terrible father, but he definitely didn't kill his sons, just destroyed the linking books to the ages where they're trapped. And, he keeps visiting them in the sequels and you can visit their prison ages. You probably already knew all of that, but I think it's worth mentioning because even though Atrus is kind of crap at parenting his first two sons, he's never on the level of his own father (seen in Riven and in the books).


If you released this on YouTube I think you would trigger a myst revival

Justin Chaillet

This idea of mystimilism sticks with me so much, it reminds me of the first time I played dark souls. I can replay that game as much as I want but I can never truly experience it from the start again, I understand the mechanics too well and have too much in game knowledge to be a naive explorer again. Its such a powerful feeling and a great one thats hard to recreate


I agree we need to see the Myst Remasters video. I’ve recently played realMyst and Myst Mobile, and though they’re technically better games with its 3D visuals and controls, they don’t quite capture being in Myst in quite the same way - and I can’t fathom why🤔


Just for the record, I'd love another Q&A :)


Hey H.Bomb, Looks like Austin McConnell might be aping another video idea (or hoping to get clout by association): https://youtu.be/sdW_znqcpNY


I finally sat down and played Myst (in its three versions) because of this video. It truly is a great game!


I for one would be delighted to watch an hour of you nitpicking the Myst remakes. This was excellent.


I had to come back to complain about presto studios because they committed the most heinous UX crime I’ve ever seen in Exile. I don’t know if this was a ‘thing’ in gaming at any point, but in Exile they allow you to name your save files. Then they organize them in…alphabetical order. Alpha- *ugh* ALPHABETICAL ORDER. CAUSE ITS NOT LIKE I WANT THE MOST RECENT ONE I could never remember what my most recent save file was named, it was so freakin obnoxious.


I've been thinking of joining the patreon for a while now and this finally got me to hop on. I just want to say thanks for all the fantastic videos over the years and also how soon can we expect a 3 hour video about Pyst?


and now i am caught up with the Secret Patreon Goodies. this is both a good and a bad thing :^) bad, because it is nice having some fresh-to-me videos to knit along to (idk what it is, but your videos are the exact blend of soothing and entertaining that makes for really good 'watch/listen while knitting' material, and i mean this in the best way; i think i've watched through literally everything on your channel at least three times by this point?) but also good because you are a human person making things at human person speeds, and remembering that during the downtime between videos helps keep things in perspective. this myst video, for someone like me who was, for a brief period in high school, simultaneously super into myst while also frustrated to no end by its puzzles, and not into it enough to play riven even though i had ready access to it, was yet another Delightful entry into the hbg library. i think it'd be nice to release this one out into the world eventually, maybe with the myst-remakes and myst-alikes stuff as extra chapters. at the very least it'd be nice to be able to show other people just how cool this game is. but either way, myst is definitely a game that is well deserving of the loving dissection, the distillation of everything that makes it good, that is made of it here- no matter if it lives forever on patreon or eventually makes it to youtube proper.




Harris bomberguy, I hope you understand I need the teased video at the end ASAP!!! The whole reason im a patron is because I love your specific way of discussing opinions, and I think that a whole episode about the myst remakes would be incredible! They’re the only ones im familiar with so I’d love as long a video on that as possible!

E. Filleul

I can't believe I rewatched the OOF sound 5 times over the past few months instead of just tossing a few quids for a new Hbomb vid.


This reply was a great video. I had hoped someday to see a nice video about Myst but nobody ever did it. Glad to see you filling that niche. I’m a bit disappointed though because I’m a patron and once again, though I’m signed up for the reward, my username STILL doesn’t show up in your credits…


In the 90s some games were literally Myst, but with an i and in German! (I will not apologize for this bilingual pun.)


I wouldn't put off releasing this one publicly - I think this is an important video, frankly, and especially with Myst's 30th anniversary coming up this September, it feels timely. Consider putting it out publicly! Just like you said in the video, for a game this foundational, it's shocking how little attention it gets these days. Putting this video out might help change that!


please release this publicly harry i need to force all my friends to watch it


I really love this video. It's about a game I'd previously never heard of, and how that game I had previously never heard of helped inspire some of the games I can't imagine my life without. Topics like this really warm my heart!


Closest I’ve found to Myst tube was the “Complete Chronologies” on Myst by CrimockLyte.


Casting my vote in for releasing this publicly. A coworker was recently telling me about HyperCard, but he couldn't remember the name. Thanks to this video I was able to confirm that's what it was, and then learn about it!


My personal favourites of this particular style of puzzle adventure games were the two Zork entries of the era, Nemesis and Grand Inquisitor. Grand Inquisitor has the typical Zork comedic tone (with some great subverted puzzle jokes), Nemesis is dark and creepy and incredibly atmospheric. The whole game gave me major creeps as a kid, especially the Asylum area. Really good stuff.


I replayed Myst for the first time in about 20 years before watching this. It's always been one of my favorite series if games. And, because I'm weird, I actually like the mazerunner puzzle. That's always what I called it. I'm very audio-oriented so an entire age themed around sound is so cool, and figuring out how to navigate a maze using a sound-based compass is still one of my favorite parts of the game. Edit: I also really like Myst III. I love that Brad Dourif is the antagonist, but he's not an inherently bad person. The further in the game you go you feel increasingly sorry for him and understand his desperation. I always let him go at the end. I really hope he found his family.


I’m so happy to be a patron here. I just finished this fantastic retrospective and now I see Hbomberguy has been dropping pretty cool little videos and updates this whole time. I can’t wait to see all this extra stuff.


I played Myst shortly after it came out with my cousin on her computer. Notebooks in hand, solving puzzles together, banging our heads against the wall because I was 12 and she was 14 and shit was cryptic! Good times, loved the video!


I definitely want that video about the remasters, but you probably shouldn't do it. Your skills are more useful on stuff like the plagiarism and pro-vax stuff.


I somehow missed this when it came out so i get to watch it now but yes please do something on mystalikes i need someone to talk about obduction why does nobody talk about obduction please did i fucking hallucinate that game


I loved this video! Riven was the first "real" computer game I ever played, though, which I think did spoil me when I went back to play Myst. But since Journeyman Project 3 was one of my favorite games as a kid, I was a little surprised the Journeyman games featured so much as being bad. I never played 1 or 2 so I can't speak to whether they improved, but 3 definitely embraced some of the silliness of the premise and ran with it -- you could put your AI companion Arthur in "chatty" mode and he'd make snarky comments about everything, and there were easter eggs hidden throughout the game. I don't know that the game or humor holds up particularly well, but when I was 15 it was perfect.

Rob Dukes a.k.a. Jurgan

Got as far as the Journeyman Project attacks, and now I'm rage-quitting and unsubscribing. Okay, kidding. I loved JP, but I can't deny it was primitive. The sequels did the same concept much better. For instance, JP2 opens with you being kidnapped by your future self and shot forward in time, and then you have to explore for a while and find a hidden message that contains the exposition dump.


Best $2 of my life


Would LOVE a breakdown of what you dislike about the myst remakes tbh


I never really played Myst, but my Dad and Sister are absolutely OBSESSED with the games and lore. They're constantly talking about the books, the games, and have the sound effects from the game as notification sounds on their phones. I'm glad to see you talk about it though, it unlocked a very specific window of nostalgia for me as one of the first computer games I ever got to play with, even if i was FAR too young to understand any of what was happening. I just followed my dads notes on the game to see what he did!


As someone who was never able to play myst well enough to get through any puzzles as a kid but loved connections this was a fantastic video to see. Thank you so much for making this and all your videos.


All my knowledge of Myst was sitting next to my older brother while I was like 4 to his like, 17, him playing it on our PC, and me desperately trying to help him solve the puzzles while he would sigh and say "that's not how you do it." By the time I was of a consciousness to play it my brain was on to other things. ...But weirdly now I want to play it. Anyway, loved it, I'd LOVE to know more about Myst-icals!


I signed up for Patreon just for this video because I love Myst so much. It's the first computer game I can remember playing as a child, and even though it was way over my head at the time, I never forgot it. Now I own all the Myst games (several times over between the CD-ROMs, digital editions, mobile editions, VR edition, etc). Myst means a lot to me, and this video did not disappoint. I understand the desire to give backers something just for them (or *us* now I guess), but it does make me a little sad, considering how little in-depth content is out there, that the wider Myst fan community will never see this or even know it exists.


As a person who's been years looking for that Mystube without success, I cannot thank you enough for this essay. My partner and I love Myst and Riven (which stands as my favourite game to this day), and it's always a delight to see other people express that they have fond memories of these games as well. So, once again, thank you!


This was a joy to watch. My mother often talks about Myst; it is still the only game she's ever played that she genuinely loved and felt she completely understood. Since then, no game has been as compelling for her, or as fun to figure out. She played Myst when it came out, and kept going back to it when her kids had moved on to the PS2. You really captured the reason why she continues to tout Myst as the best game of all time--not including that I'm sure it felt great that none of her kids could figure out the puzzles in Myst despite quickly developing speedrun skills in Agent Under Fire. Anyway, this made me genuinely want to try the game out myself. Your videos always rule, but it's extra fun to learn about something you genuinely enjoy!

Dan M

The Book of Atrus novel is fantastic, if people haven't read it. The whole series is decent, but the first one is amazing. The pictures add to the feeling in an incredible way. A couple decades after having lost my original copy, I paid way too much for a hardbound copy so my then fiance and I could read it together. It was worth every penny.


When you said you had a Myst video i had to come check it out, and it was easily worth the patreon pledge :) watching the other bonus content now and really enjoying that too :D


True story, my dad just found a ps4 I had at home booted up Journey and said " wut fuk is this, got past first level and don't know what it's about" my dad does sound like this.


Ohhhh It's MYST!! Favorite video series - and favorite game second only to Riven which is a masterpiece.


Subbed to Patreon for the Myst video. Was not disappointed in the least. Wish I could say the same for Cyan's new game, the Firmament. It's fine, but you can tell they floundered during production. I won't spoil it, but I'm curious how other old Cyan fans feel about it and the terribly executed ending.


I for one want the knit-picking of Myst remakes….


Myst was formative for me; re-joined the patreon JUST for this one after being broke as shit for a while, good to be back


I too remembered I have money again and resubbed for Myst. Plugs work, apparently!


oh man, I was 21 when Myst was released. My older brother bought it for me, and it devoured my brain for weeks while I tried to figure it out. I subbed just to watch this video! (Don't worry, I'm not going to unsub immediately afterwards. :D) My brother died earlier this year, and it's wild how the most random thing will bring him back to mind. Today, it was this video. I don't know if I need to PLAY Myst again, but I certainly enjoyed watching this.


Subbed to watch this.. I would love another hour long video nitpicking the 4 versions of the same game.


Hbomb, I just paid you $2 specifically to watch this video. I was a little kid when Myst came out and it was one of the only games in my house for a long time. My little sister and I used to play it together; it took us years and years to beat it. We would play for awhile, solve a new puzzle, and eventually get stuck and lose interest, and then pick it up again months later and play some more. I honestly never realized how big of a cultural impact Myst had because I was so young during its heyday (and probably because I didn't have a TV in the house growing up.) This video was really interesting and I learned a lot of cool stuff from it. Thanks!

Nicole Song

Nice. I also paid you $3.50 AUD to watch this video. Good video, I might go play Riven now.

Andrea (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 03:25:26 One of my favorite recent videogames with a myst-ery to it is tunic, everyone talks about the legend of Zelda and dark souls influences but my favorite elements are how they (fail to) present any information about how to play or what to do
2024-02-24 06:01:04 One of my favorite recent videogames with a myst-ery to it is tunic, everyone talks about the legend of Zelda and dark souls influences but my favorite elements are how they (fail to) present any information about how to play or what to do and instead leave it up to some smart level design

One of my favorite recent videogames with a myst-ery to it is tunic, everyone talks about the legend of Zelda and dark souls influences but my favorite elements are how they (fail to) present any information about how to play or what to do and instead leave it up to some smart level design

the AC

Pretty sure they're still making Syberia games.


Just finished this, and I would love to see both the video of the failed Myst clones as well as your issues with the remakes/remasters!


i can't believe this existed for a YEAR and didnt know about it


fantastic :]

Rachel Rakov

In 1993, I played Myst with my dad (the one and only time he ever played a video game). I was 7, and helped out with the sound puzzles (I solved the bathosphere puzzle and it still sucked). We have never stopped talking about Myst in the 30 years since. It was a formative experience.

Attie Grande

I joined just for this video... I remember the game well, and getting incredibly frustrated with it, thank you! On a similar note, did you ever play Starship Titanic?... These games appeared in our house somehow during my childhood, and looking back I can only presume mum was "having a go" at computering. I remember we lent Starship Titanic to a friend who got a lot further than I ever managed. Edit: Woah, I just asked mum about it - she won Starship Titanic from a Times contest, and the box is signed by Douglas Adams, and she's still got it! 😱