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Hello friends. I hope you're doing well.

I'm writing this at 3 AM as I prepare for several long flights on my way to XOXO, to do a talk about the Nightmare Stream I did earlier this year. I just realised now I never talked about it here on Patreon. Huh. Wow. Maybe I should make some kind of proper post-mortem of that amazing, crazy thing, some time. I could only have afforded to take the time to prepare and execute such a thing because I'm supported by you. So I definitely owe you all that.

I wanted to make sure I left a message about this now, instead of putting it off.

For over a year I've talked about working on a video about Night in the Woods, a game which was tremendously meaningful to me. I've put off working on it multiple times because, honestly, I'm still awed by it. As far as I'm concerned, it's one of *the* games of this generation, and I still only barely feel like I can begin to talk about it and do it the justice it deserves. It resists simpler forms of design analysis because it has a deeper value, and I have a lot of anxieties about correctly articulating those things.

I'm sure you've all heard the recent stories from people coming forward about the behaviour of Alec Holowka, who did music and some coding for the game - I believe these stories.

Scott Benson, who worked very closely on Night in the Woods and did most of the writing and artwork, has recently published a piece about Alec on medium, and I recommend you read it if you can manage reading stories about abuse. I had to take a break partway through because it resonated a little too hard with some of my own experiences.

I've always been a proponent of the idea that art is more than its creators, and Night in the Woods remains a deeply touching work. But I have a lot of anxieties about covering it right now, for reasons I hope are clear. The issue is still ongoing, the dust is still settling on it all. I have no idea how I could talk about any of this.

The time will come to talk about Night in the Woods, but it isn't now, and I felt like I had to admit that here. I hope you can understand why I want to give it some more time.

Thanks. In the meantime, I'm still working on a lot of other things.

I wanted to make sure I covered something that managed to have a big emotional effect on me, achieved something similar to the game I had intended to talk about. With that in mind, the next video is going to be about the Pathologic games.

The original Pathologic and the history of its critical reception is a very complicated and interesting story, and I've wanted to talk about it for some time. Pathologic makes a very strong case for how games can be about more than 'fun', and perhaps the opposite emotions can be just as valuable to explore. With the release of its sequel, and what I see as the continuation of the series not being recognised as it 'should' be, I think that would be a topic worth covering right now.

Thanks so much for your continued support - in future I'd like to be more forthcoming about projects and how progress is going and what progress even looks like on videos I make, so when I get back I hope to start sharing that in more detail.

See you soon.

- Harry



As another idiot up at 3 am, hello

Miles Lamborghini

We love you Harry and we understand. Take all the time you need 💜


I figured this was the reason the video wasn't the NitW one, and I totally understand!! Get to it whenever you're comfortable (even if that's never lol). Cheers!! ^^


Getting your take on such an incredible game is obviously going to take a long time. Looking forward to what you have to say whenever that may be!


Wait wait wait - You're gunna be at xoxo? :D :D

Eben Sullivan

Thanks for the update, Harry. The Night in the Woods video can wait - you'll need time to figure out how to accommodate all of these developments into the larger discussion about the game anyways.


It was you who got me to play “Night in the Woods”, and it ended up being one of my favorite games and so, SO meaningful to me. I’ve never played Pathologic. But, thank you for recommending another game for me to play in preparation for your videos! I’m excited to get addicted to this one as well


Take your time. It is enough to try and boil those feelings into words without having to add this new layer to it. Tall (or don't) as you feel comfortable, we understand.


Absolutely makes sense and I hope you still manage to get something out about it, but I would rather you process your feelings first. Pretty gut wrenching to hear Scott's experience too, that article was a lot. Looking forward to the next video, take care of you x


Thanks Harry for being a good noodle❤️❤️


His name is Harry.


Godspeed, Harry, have a good time at XOXO! I'll still hope for the NITW video eventually, as it's one of my favorites and I can't get enough of people talking about it, but I would be hesitant to talk about it in the midst of this stuff, too. You made the right call. Try to get some decent rest even while you're abroad!


Thanks for taking the time to write this when you've been so busy. It seems most of us agree and think that this is the best thing you could have done. I like how you talked about Scott Benson. it was a really subtle but clear reminder to everybody reading that night in the woods was not the Alec project. That other people worked on it. These days people are too quick to assign Cosmic meaning to one person's Vision on any project and that's a bit wild with a video game that definitely had a whole team behind it. I look forward to hearing your thoughts about night in the woods when you're ready to share them and there's absolutely no rush to get that out quickly. And thanks for making the feelings of his victims the priority here. I'm sure this wasn't easy for you to say given how hyped everybody was for your video. You're a good man, Harry.


Re nitw: holy shit. That was so much to take in Re you things: thank you for sharing all this with us. Just keep doing you and keep healthy. Thanks for you work <3


When I heard about this story coming up, I immediately thought "oh boy this is not good news for that NitW video" so I am glad you're taking the time to be sensitive about this matter. Suicide isn't punishment, and neither it nor punishment should be the end result of aaaaanything? I think the end result should be rehabilitation and reparation, so it's sad that this is how this has so far ended. I hope you're doin' alright, and I hope you continue to take your time


No. People are abusive and create abusive situations. Abuse isn't a thing that just happens. And what a disgusting to say about abuse victims. Fuck you.

Eric Davies

Completely understand, and I'm looking forward to another video about games you're passionate about!




THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU Been hoping you'd do a Pathologic video for years.


I just nabbed Pathologic from CEX yesterday so that's fortuitous! Delaying NITW seems respectful at this point in time.


I don't Care what stuff you make, so long as you make stuff like you.


Even though NITW is my favorite game of the last 10 years, I am with you there on the "not right now".


Completely understandable to put it off given all that's going on. Hope your travels are safe, and I'm excited about all future content!

William Heathcote

The NITW stuff has been really difficult. I played through it earlier this month, in part because I had been putting it off for months, but also because I was anticipating this video from you (I figured since you said it was the next video that it would be done sometime in the next six months to a year). The game was very affecting. I loved the characters. I enjoyed the story. I liked the music. Everything about the past week hurt. Glad to hear you haven't abandoned plans to do the video eventually, but I understand it will take time. Looking forward to whatever is next.


Thank you. This was the right decision. I hope I can phrase this as diplomatically as possible, but whenever the NITW video comes out, I will probably skip it. I'm certain you will do a good job, and I don't expect anyone else to do the same. But after this, NITW is permanently poisoned for me. I don't think I can in good faith engage with it or media related to it.


Have you read the article by Scott? That helped me make peace with what was done by Alec and what was not (which was most of it).

Clementine Danger

You say "admit" as if you are doing something unconscionable. There are plenty of hot takes out there. I personally don't watch your videos for that, I watch them because they are deep dives that are well researched, articulated, and thought through. I don't know about anyone else, but I vastly prefer quality over quantity. It takes as long as it takes and that's fine. You don't pull a cake out of the oven before it's cooked and you don't present a think piece before the thinking is done. Seems perfectly respectable to me.

Jeremy Abel

Right on, keep on truckin' my dude


We stan considerate creators

Ben Waffle

"it resonated a little too hard with some of my own experiences" are you ok dude?


Seems a very reasonable stance. Hope you're holding together ok through all the current shit storm of "existing"


Honestly, it's fine. This is a serious revelation of events, and careful timing is important to treating both it and the game it implicates with the respect they both deserve. Plus, the original Pathologic was one of the most fascinating and thought-provoking games of the 2000s and deserved a lot more attention then it got so it's cool that you are giving it a deep-dive.


i understand. much love for you, Harris, i hope you're well.


I finished NITW just about a week ago. I downloaded it because it was on sale in the Switch store and only heard of Alec Holowka and everything that has happened shortly before I finished the game. It was a really weird feeling. So I absolutely understand that you cannot yet make a video about it. I do look forward to whenever it’ll come though. That game was a piece of art I cannot quite wrap my head around just yet. Feel like I have to play it again in a few months. It’s really special indeed.


After reading this, I immediately thought that now there's even more reason to talk about NITW, without shying away from the troublesome parts of its development. This could serve as a starting point to a discussion more potent and material than just the game itself would. However, you do you, brother, and all that. All I came here to say is - play Mutazione. I started today and am awfully curious as to your take on it. I'd be remiss to form an opinion as early as on the first day of playing, but the game seems highly interesting to say the least.


I only became your Patreon this month but I've subscribed to your channel for a long time. Time to get money into the things I enjoy, better late than ever. Night In The Woods is one my favourite games and when I heard you talk that you were doing a video on it in your Lovecraft one it was just the best. It's really sad that you've postponed it but I totally respect your decision. Hope that some day, maybe you'll think it's the right time to get back on it. Until then, I know the videos will keep on being awesome. Cheers, and all the best! PS: Sorry for the english, not my prime language.