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Sorry for the lack of content recently. I've been concentrating on doing the 2D art commissions and a laundry list of mental and medical health issues I have to get through. 

Also I have only 1 laptop to work on things at a time. Again for the umpteenth time, I thank you for your continued support as it helps keep me fed and a roof over my head.

Also-also I'm unsure of what type of content to regularly continue making. If there are any "shelved" things I've done that you would like to see more of, I don't mind that you get vocal about more of what you'd like to see so I can have a better idea on what I should concentrate my energy on making. 



Maybe you could finish those 3D animation you were working on, like the Rouge one and Nessa one


Also glad to know you’re also taking care of yourself

Kei Waza

Yeah, you're right. The biggest hang up on that is the fear that it won't turn out as good as I think it should. I DID finish the Rouge animation just didn't add the sound yet.


Personally, I think you should let your fans decide how good it is. And so far, it looks terrific.