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여러분들 안녕하세요 janggun 입니다 

코테가와의 중간세이브 그림입니다 

인물 묘사쪽은 어느정도 다 그려가는것 같습니다 

개인적으로는 어느정도 마음에 들게 그려지고 있는것 같습니다 

단지 좀 아쉽다면 뒤쪽의 리토가 제 의도와는 다르게 좀 근육질로 묘사가 되었네요 

아마도 제가 그리는 남자는 근육질 이거나 뚱뚱한 체형만 그리다보니 평범한 소년 체형을 잘 못 그리는것 같습니다 

결과적으로 리토라고 그렸는데 리토처럼 안보여서 ntr느낌이 나는 그림이 되었습니다 

뭐 다르게 생각해보면 장차 우주의 제왕이 될 리토니까 크면 저정도 근육이 생길것 같기도 해요(라고 합리화 해봅니다)

완성은 가능하면 내일까지 완성하고 싶기는 한데 아마도5일쯤에 완성할 수 있을것 같습니다 

그럼 여러분들 완성본 기대해 주시고요 모두 좋은밤 되세요 


Hello everyone, this is janggun.

This is a picture of Kotegawa’s mid-save.

It seems like the character descriptions have been drawn to some extent.

Personally, I think it's portrayed somewhat to my liking.

The only thing that's a bit disappointing is that Rito in the back was portrayed as a bit more muscular than I intended.

Perhaps because the men I draw only draw muscular or fat bodies, I am not good at drawing normal boy bodies.

As a result, I drew it as Rito, but it didn't look like Rito, so the drawing had an NTR feel.

If you think about it another way, since Rito will become the king of the universe in the future, it seems like he will have that much muscle when he grows up (I rationalize it by saying)

I would like to complete it by tomorrow if possible, but I think I will probably be able to complete it around March 5th.

So, everyone, please look forward to the finished product. Have a good night everyone.

thank you



Dart Feld

She looks great 🤤

Silver Tongue

Subscribed just for this. Looking forward to the final version!


Thank you. We will do our best to complete the picture with the best quality possible.