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여러분들 안녕하세요 janggun 입니다 

사실 저녁때까지 스케치를 완성해서 올리려고 했는데 좀처럼 좋은 아이디어가 떠오르지 않아서 자료도 찾아보고 고민하다가 겨우 그리기 시작했습니다 

오늘이 월말이라 2월 패키지 배포 공지도 겸해서 유이의 미완성 스케치를 같이 올립니다 

2월 패키지는 내일 오전중으로 업로드 할 예정입니다 아직 두장이 미완성인데요 미완성인 그림들은 추후 2월 패키지에 추가 업로드 할 예정이니 참고 바랍니다 

그럼 여러분들 좋은밤 되시고요 유이의 완성본도 기대해 주세요 감사합니다 :)

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

Actually, I was going to complete the sketch and upload it by evening, but I couldn't come up with a good idea, so I searched for materials, thought about it, and finally started drawing.

Since today is the end of the month, I am uploading Yui's unfinished sketch to also serve as an announcement of the February package distribution.

The February package is scheduled to be uploaded tomorrow morning. Two pictures are still unfinished. Please note that additional unfinished pictures will be uploaded to the February package later.

Well then, everyone, have a good night. Please look forward to Yui's finished work. Thank you :)



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