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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun입니다 

코코로의 스케치를 완성했습니다 

예전에 doa관련 팬아트를 그릴때 3d 모델링을 참고해서 그리다보니 무의식 적으로 최대한 닮게 그리려고 하더라구요 

비단 doa뿐만 아니라 다른 3d관련 아트를 그릴대도 마찬가지 입니다만 아무래도 3d와 2d에 괴리감 때문에 닮게 그리려다보니 오히려 매력이 떨어진다는 느낌이 들었습니다 

그래서 이번에는 닮게 그리기 보다 최대한 매력적으로 보일수 있게 그려봤습니다 .........

네 결국은 그냥 원작의 코코로와 별로 안닮았다는 소리를 장황하게 써놨습니다 lllOTL

안닮기는 했지만 그래도 개인적으로는 얼굴이 꽤나 예쁘게 그려져서 마음에 듭니다 

이번 그림은 꽤 마음에 드는 그림이 될것 같습니다 

그럼 여러분들 완성작 기대해 주시고요 좋은하루 되시길 바랍니다 


Hello everyone, this is janggun.

I completed Kokoro's sketch.

In the past, when I drew DOA-related fan art, I referenced 3D modeling and unconsciously tried to draw it as similar as possible.

The same applies to drawing not only DOA but also other 3D-related art, but because of the gap between 3D and 2D, I tried to draw it to resemble it, but I felt that it was less attractive.

So this time, rather than drawing them to resemble each other, I tried to draw them to look as attractive as possible.

Yes, in the end, I just wrote a long story about how she doesn't look much like the original Kokoro. lllOTL

They don't look alike, but personally, I like the face because it's drawn quite nicely.

I think this painting will be a painting I really like.

So, please look forward to the finished product. I hope you have a nice day.

thank you






Dart Feld

Huh... I would have imagined that your art style would compliment the 3d renders but I suppose that's only the guess of someone who doesn't understand how to draw like myself 🤔


thank you We will do our best to ensure that the finished version is of good quality.


When I looked at a 3D rendered photo and drew it, I felt like the expression was drawn a little stiffly without me even realizing it. So this time I drew a little more freely.