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안녕하세요 여러분들 janggun 입니다 

노조미를 완성했습니다 

이번 그림은 좀 고생하면서 그렸습니다 

예전부터 한번 써보고 싶었던 액정 타블렛을 큰맘먹고 샀습니다 

사실 지난번에 사려고 했었는데 병원에 입원하는 큰 지출이 생겨서 그때 못하고 

지금에서야 사게 됐습니다 

돈이 없어서 할부로 샀는데 뭐 나머지 금액은 다음달의 내가 갚겠지요 뭐 ㅠㅠ

뭐 하여튼 사고서 처음에 써봤을때는 뭐가 생가한것보다 많이 불편해서 산걸 후회했습니다 ㅠㅠ

그림을 완성할때쯤 어느정도 적응을 하긴 했는데요 아직까지는 안 사는편이 나았을것 같다는 생각이 드네요 

그래도 그림의 퀄리티에 영향을 안끼져서 다행이기는 합니다 

그럼 여러분들 즐감하시고 좋은밤 되세요 :)

그리고 한국시간으로 11월 18일 토요일 11시50분에 아이디어 모집이 있을 예정이니 관심있으신 분들은 체크 하셨다 많은참여 부탁드립니다 

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

Completed Nozomi

I had a bit of trouble drawing this picture.

I decided to buy a liquid crystal tablet that I had wanted to use for a long time.

Actually, I tried to buy it last time, but I couldn't do it because I had to incur a big expense like being hospitalized.

I finally bought it now

I didn't have money, so I bought it on installments, but I'll pay off the rest next month.

Anyway, when I bought it and used it for the first time, I regretted buying it because it was more uncomfortable than I expected.

I got used to it to some extent by the time I finished the painting, but I still think it would have been better if I didn't buy it.

Still, I'm glad it didn't affect the quality of the picture.

So, everyone, enjoy it and have a good night :)

Also, there will be a call for ideas on Saturday, November 18th at 11:50 Korean time, so if you are interested, please check and participate.






is there have a mistake ON picture 6 and 8 ? about inside the iPhone nojomi pubic hair?


I checked it now and you are right. I will edit it and upload it by tomorrow.


great, thanks