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안녕하세요 janggun 입니다 

"可愛いだけじゃない式守さん" 의 시키모리 상 입니다 

어떤 컨셉으로 그릴지 고민하면서 웹서핑을 하다가 발견한시노노메 우미의 사진을 보고 영감을 얻어서 그렸습니다 

여담입니다만 저는 그녀가 건프라 만드는 일반인 아가씨일줄 알았습니다 

그래서 그녀는 왜 그렇게 벗어재낄까? 하고 궁굼해 했었는데 알고보니 그라비아 아이돌 이었네요 

그럼여러분들 완성본도 기대해 주시고 오늘도 좋은하루 되세요 

완성은 31까지 완성을 목표로 그리고 있습니다 

Hello, this is janggun.

This is Shikimori-san from "可愛いだけじゃない式守さん"

While thinking about what concept to draw, I drew inspiration from a photo of Umi Shinonome that I found while surfing the web.

As an aside, I thought she was an ordinary girl who makes gunpla.

So why does she take it off like that? I was curious, but it turned out that he was a gravure idol.

Well, everyone, please look forward to the finished version and have a nice day today.

The goal is to complete by 31.




love the thighs you gave her!


Sorry for the late reply because I was concentrating on drawing. I am also very happy because I think the legs in this picture are drawn beautifully :)