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럭스의 러프 스케치 입니다 출산 장면을 그렸는데 처음 시도해 보는 그림입니다 

물론 이 그림은 출산후의 그림입니다만 

출산장면도 바리에이션으로 들어갈 예정이니 그쪽도 기대해 주세요

그럼 여러분들 오늘도 좋은하루 되세요 감사합니다 :)

This is Lux’s rough sketch.

It's a scene of a childbirth, and it's my first attempt at painting.

Of course, this scene is a picture after childbirth, but we plan to include a variation of the scene of childbirth as well, so please look forward to that as well.

Well then, everyone, have a good day today.

thank you :) 




I hope you can draw more similar works in the future!


Love your Lux!