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 Basic guide of how to play the version 0.0.6   

1. Each day you can go and spy on the rooms of Carol, Sasha and Elena.

2. You can not leave the building in the mornings, nor at night.

3. Talk to Sophie to go to school.

4. At school you will only have one opportunity to attend the cafeteria.

5. In the afternoon you have two options to go to the pool or leave the building.

6. To exit the building you must exit the door of the room and click on the right door and again click on the door on the right.

7. You will have 4 options: Go to the city, to the temple, to the port and to return.

8. Port: On the right you will find a road where you will go to the beach. On the beach find Lady Victoria. (Visit frequently)

9. At night you can continue to spy on Carol, Sasha and Elena.

10. Tip: Never miss school halls, some important events will happen at school.




So the Library and Gym is gone in this version. Are you changing the story completely now? I was wondering what happened to all the content - but I really like the new game engine.


Bug: One of the bedrooms to the right takes you to the main menu and all progress will be lost


The gym is back in the version 0.0.8. The library, now only appears if you are going to study with the girls.


Yes, it is the room of Elena. That bug fails at the moment, because I'm developing the events of that room ;)


Well it feels strange tho. It feels like tons of content are missing. although the .rpa file is quite big it seems impossible to unlock the stuff. ! had Elena 1 Time. I cant seduce her a second time. carol hast nearly 700 points, but it is not possible to trigger a scene. I dont know what i'm doing wrong


To be able to seduce Elena must return to play once more. you will have a 50% win. In the case of Carol, it was not included in the version 0.0.7. Because you will have to pay for dinner and gift. But the economic system will be ready for version 0.0.8.


I can only spy on Carol's room. The left door in the first hall (Sofie?) and the end door in the second hall (Sasha?) both stay locked at all times. You've already explained about Elena's, but what about the other two? Also, someone above mentioned a sauna, but I have not been able to find it. Which area is it in? Is there any way to interact with Sofie? Previous version had bj every day, this version has nothing at all?


Sophie, and Carol were not included in this version because it is this re accommodating their stories. As mentioned previously in the next version you will have to pay for the dinner and the gift of Carol. Some places like the gym or sauna were not included because I am trying to have new events.