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At the Severed Tentacle Inn, there are a few attractions that are a little unusual.  They have a tentacle monster (who works for pay, this is an upstanding Inn!) and its offspring(PT's or Pleasure Tentacles) are put to work in certain portions of the inn such as chairs, beds and what we have here, the dancing stage.  in addition to shows put on by the house, patrons can choose to take their chances dancing on the stage for a free meal, a free room, or a rental of one of the PT booths for them and their friends.  If the lucky patron can dance without being caught by the PT's for the listed length of time they win the prize!  If they get caught, they end up providing the dining halls entertainment for a while.  Most patrons consider it a win/win situation and often bring in thier sisters, wives, girlfriends, daughters, friedns, employees, etc.  and have a good ol time convincing them work up the nerve to dance.  It's even said the captian of the guard herself once danced on the stage, but few are willing to confirm it as her anger and retribution are things of legend when it comes to mention of the incident.

More about the Severed Tentale Inn, it's staff and patrons, and the rest of the setting coming up soon!

High res: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7egyvqj5ilehbno/severed+tentacle+inn++stage+high+res.zip/file



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