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So yeah, like I teased earlier I'm making a Renpy game with a Summertime Saga kind of gameplay experience(whcih I only discovered after I started working on this, lol).  The gameplay experience will be similar to text adventure games (TADS, ADRIFT, etc) with a visual approach to it.  So you wil lbe able to freely navigate from area to area, interact with objects on screen, talk to people and witness and engage in all kinds of taboo activities.  Lots of cg art along with some simple 3-7 frame animations for the more graphic scenes(which there are plenty of!) is what I have planned. 

This will be my fist Renpy game(or game in general!) so the entire thing is a learning experience.  I've never coded anything before, so I'm deouring examples and such and learning by trial and error.  I've had decent results so far so I'm going to forge ahead.  

So far I have a working inventory system, navigation of players house and neighborhood locations, object interaction, interactive scenes for sex and some conversations.  So it should play a little more like a first person game than a visual novel, though there are still plenty of those elements there.  And lots of rough placeholder sketches to help me determine what and how much I need in terms of finished bg and cg art(over 200 bgs and cgs so far).

This is a long term project.  I still need to maintain a commission schedule and do the comic strips for the Patreon each month(and pray I don't get sick again and lose even more time to illness like I did twice this year so far for a total of 6 weeks :(  ), but I will be starting to work on finished assets for the game and begin adding them in until there is a minimum playable demo.  If the support for the game comes in at a decent level I plan on cutting back commissions a little and devoting more time to this as that happens.

Still ironing out some of the basics for the Renpy game I'm working on, but here are some rough sketches of some of the characters.  Still very rough and cobbled together from a couple files.  This is not final by far, but a sneak peek for you supporters.  :)

Carrie and Sarah are mother and daughter, Jenny is Sarahs classmate from School, Elaina is the Latina neighbor who is shy socially, but very ambitions in her self pleasuring efforts.  The unnamed character might be a yoga instructor but shes kind of closein looks to Carie, so that might change.

The PC is an 18 year old guy that lives with Carie and Sarah, and a plethora of naughty adventures await as he discoveres the true extent of the taboo activities that abound in his neighbordood.

Will be posting another set of characters and a screenshot of what the finished bg's with sprite on it will look like in the next day or so.  

Patrons will get access to test builds and help determine some of the content, within some paramaters.  And help me catch the millions of typos my blunty fingers are sure to introduce to the tens of thousands of lines of text and script.

So feel free comment or ask questions if there is anythign you want to know.  :)



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