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Let's find out what we will make for the EXTRA Deluxe Monster Miniature for May!

We are going to try to put up some links where we can, but please remember the final models will not look exactly like the art that it is inspired from.  This is just to help give patrons an idea of what the general idea of these choices are.

Bast https://tinyurl.com/3bxwpm73

Giant Antlion https://tinyurl.com/457ce8m3

Id Fiend https://puu.sh/HpJdv/54e49ec86f.jpg

Kank (with desert rider) https://tinyurl.com/pxhrj9rf

Osiris https://tinyurl.com/453bcvna

Scale Claw https://tinyurl.com/t2cxdb3r

Sobek https://tinyurl.com/u9hu2d3s

The Destroyer https://tinyurl.com/2twhcjwr



Kank the Desert rider looks pretty dang cool!


Destroyer all day!


What is with the love for the destroyer? Weak-sauce, give us something truly desert themed!!

scott busbee

the destroyer is bad ass for once something I like is winning