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It's not that I forgot to update, but it's true that everyone has been less productive this month. Especially since a lot of them are addicted to Palworld these days.

Also because of my patreon setup (to save some hassle), it's therefore not recommended for new users to subscribe at the end of the month, which can lead to double charges. The best time is the 1st of each month.

With the Chinese New Year approaching soon, February will also be a low-producing month. But don't worry, a new class has been completed in its entirety. It will be available for download soon.


↑ Flos will be available for download in the next few days.


About Astralaria

Working on bosses and monsters for Arknights related maps now.

Also, a quick mention is needed. The content after Arknights will be taken over by other artists. Please note that there will be differences in drawing styles.

Here are some new monster designs we're working on.


Aeon class

The illustrator said there should be a second one today, but it hadn't been sent to me until I posted. Anyway, this is the only new illustration that's fully coloured right now.

DuYiyu's illustrations are being reworked over and over again, and there are no new illustrations yet either.


The main work this month has been in fixing and refining some of the previous content.

Abigail's animation redo is complete. https://www.patreon.com/posts/abigail-williams-79326531

Nyx's YSM model updated to add molang to prevent long hair from going through the model. https://www.patreon.com/posts/minecraft-player-90888514

The same goes for Tiamat's.(mesmer class) https://www.patreon.com/posts/minecraft-player-83624729

New model Jibril (NO GAME NO LIFE). https://www.patreon.com/posts/minecraft-player-97548161


It's coming up to Chinese New Year and production will slow down in February. 

Have a great February.
