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hey lads! more update for subbuilds, here's what's new

- add movement animations for laydown state, check below on how

- made some changes to collision, it;s more precise on using edge corners, but there's clipping to forgive me lol

- changes to hogtie durability, the durability will increase depending of how much player is tied, if player managed to get tied more, hogtie durability will reset

- added restraint/gag color change just for testing, accessible with number keys that is not numpads

these are the new controls

- your basic WASD movement

- Space to backstep/dodge (pressing with WASD will do dodge)

- F to switch camera side (only if standing/crouching)

- C to crouch

- V to sit/laydown (only while bound)

- hold shift to sprint

Bound testing controls

- I to bind arms, press more to do extra binding

- O to bind legs, press more to do extra binding

- P to gag player, press more to switch gags

- H to hogtie player, now accessible in any state, it will instantly put player into hogtie state, if player's already hogtied, it will do nothing

- R to ungag, cannot if arms are tied

Bound Controls

your basic controls while standing up bound but cant do dodge/backstep

while kneeling

- W to hop forward

- A/D to turn

- V to sit

while Sitting

- C to try get back up, press again to cancel

- Space to attempt getting up while in looping animation

- your basic WASD movement

while laying down

- W to move forward, only doable when facing down/left/right

- S to move backwards, only doable wehn facing sideways

- A/D to turn while facing up

while hogtied

similiar to laying down, but there's no functional buttons to move backwards

New Struggle Controls

- hold LMB (left mouse button) and then pressing space multiple times to struggle arms, keep pressing to kee struggling

- hold RMB (left mouse button) and then pressing space multiple times to struggle legs, keep pressing to kee struggling

- if both arms and legs are bound, only need to press one either LMB or RMB

- releasing LMB/RMB will cancel all struggling animation, if still pressed but not pressing space, the struggling will cancel slowly

Citizen Password: GJ4684PL

that's it for today lads

*NOTE, this is just to test the features and stuff, more will be added*

Link to video preview in Deviantart


have a nice and tidy day lads, cheers =D




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