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TLDR: Patreon billing will paused until December.

Some of you may have noticed the last couple months haven't been great in terms of chapters being posted. Which is kind of funny considering in the last announcement I said October was the month I turn things around.

Long story short: I'm tired, and I need a break.

I'm pretty sure this is called being burnt out, but I feel like being burnt out is a different thing. Or I might just be in denial about being burnt out, which is very much a possibility.

Current plan is to take the month off, and come back in December refreshed, and posting on a regular, and consistent, schedule. I'm stuck in this cycle where I'm late in posting a chapter, and that stresses me out, and causes me to be even more late, and so on, and so forth, until somehow 3 weeks passed without me posting a god damn thing.

Because I still hold the belief that a story that is constantly late can still be good, but a story with even 1 rushed shit chapter is ruined forever. And since I've invested nearly 3 years of my life into this, I'd like to keep the quality as high as I can.

I was on a roll from July 2021 to February 2022, I have no idea what exactly started the downward spiral, but I'm putting a stop to it now.

As to how pausing payment works, from what I understand if your payment is set up  from before the subscription model you'll be charged on the 30th of November, and you'll have 30 days access from that point on.

Anyone on the subscription model will get a month added in the middle of their subscription (so if you subbed on the 21st of October, your next charge will be on the 21st of December, but you'll have access to the posts from the 21st of October, to the 21st of December).

I guess that's about it. If you have any questions ask them below.



Did something happen on your tooth this year, with dentist? that can be something who fuck you hard depending of what was done (particulary a tooth devitalization, who is just a nightmare and a error to do it with the symptom and the effect you can get with that depending of your level of tolerance of toxicity it create and keep pumping into your body) and why maybe you get this downward spiral suddenly You righ in my view to take a break and let it pass, and no problem with you doing that, priority is you :)


Take as long as you need. Excited to see you in December