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Good news first, word count wise this month was better than the previous month, but still nowhere near as high as I want it to be.

The blackouts have almost stopped, I didn't keep track but I think I haven't had a power cut in over a week.

My dog had 8 teeth removed (milk teeth) and he's a lot happier now, and isn't as picky of an eater as I initially thought he was. Turns out he does like the dry food I bought him, and his only problem was that it used to hurt to chew it.

The last bit of good news, is that there isn't any real bad news this month!

The final chapters for August are HERE. I had planned to finish the current chapter by the 31st, but realized I had almost 2,000 words of straight up lore, that was only slightly connected to what was happening in the story. 

Most of it was the MC shitting on wizards, and sorcerers, and explaining how mages are objectively superior.

Friendly reminder, there are only 4 months left until 2023.

122 days if you want to be precise.

That about wraps up August, see you in September!


If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below!

Thank you for the continued support!


J Berg

Happy that the pupper is doing well. Has there been any dog tax provided? Also please give him some extra pats from me.

Yuval Roth

Started reading and 'Falling Rain’s Refined Physique was inferior by every measurable metric, yet he was able to bring his combined body, mind, and soul into the Void with seemingly little more than a thought.' was this changed, I remember him previously being impressed about how good Rain's new physique is, surpassing him and all of his brothers in everything, from physicality to the spiritual.