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Hi guys!

I'm currently going through the game and cleaning things up. I want to know if there are any features or gameplay mechanics that aren't working as they should, areas that could use improvement, or elements that should be reconsidered or even removed.

  • Have you encountered any frustrating aspects of the game?
  • Are there any annoying bugs you've come across?
  • Do you have specific gameplay difficulty problems?
  • Are there things wich are difficult to understand?
  • Any ideas to make the game more enjoyable?

Thank you for helping make the game the best it can be!



Greetings dear turtle, I'll get to the point, I love your work, it is one of the best DBZ projects I have seen, however it is a little sad so many ideas that you add but don't finish them. I think it would be better to finish all the ideas you have implemented and then start working on new ideas. I say this with a lot of respect and admiration for your game. A big hug :D

Naughty Turtle

I often find myself running out of time when I'm trying to complete tasks. There are so many things to finish, and on top of that, I have a lot of new ideas. It can be challenging to manage, haha. Thanks again for your support!


I think that you focus the missing content in a single update, for example, sitting next to the old man in the park can be combined with the option of Chichi becoming a gallant woman of life (so that it doesn't sound ugly) something like that the old man recognizes her from her night job or that Chichi sits next to him to attract him to the brothel XD, I also don't see why not continue with the option of Chichi having sex in the bathroom with Roshi, Bulma or Willy (in the case of the latter, the pretext could be used that Chichi was not satisfied and invites Willy to her room to continue with the sex) in my opinion it is not necessary to remove them but to resume it now that the game has already reached 100% of the missions. important things such as the tournament, desperate wife, reviving Goku, etc. and even new missions and characters that came later, in my opinion we just need to put an end to these as well so that we can fully enter the next saga and girls (saga of Frieza and cell) although I would also like to see what was added, the possibility of Chichi becoming pregnant by some character, it is already something strange that she has had sex with almost all the characters without protection and none of them have managed to get her pregnant and I would also like to see something of videl


I think someone else mentioned this a while back, but Chi-Chi could get pregnant, deliver the baby for Roshi / Oolong / Willy / etc in the Time Chamber & the kid becomes a sprite that lives with the father & can be interacted with by the other characters. For Willy, he could have a kid & then tell his wife that he found the kid in the forest & they adopt the baby.


Bro I don't know if this is where I should warn about bugs, and if not, I apologize. In version 1.12_t2 I found a small bug in the carrot mission, the carrot located near the ship, on the tournament map, is unable to be collected. Thank you and I wish you an excellent end of the year.

Naughty Turtle

Hi Yuri, Ok thank you very much for your feedback! I'm gonna fix it as soon as possible and I wish you the same!